My 2000 XLT Explorer 4 Door | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 2000 XLT Explorer 4 Door


Explorer Torture Tester
Elite Explorer
April 3, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Gloucester City, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 2Dr,2,000 & 04 4dr xlt
You can never have enough Ford Explorers! LOL.
I am starting this thread to keep track of this 2000 XLT Explorer 4 Door.
This one doesn't have wheel flares or 16 inch wheels like my other one.

Here is the first picture:


And the current mileage is:


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The rocker panels look pretty good, only a little surface rust. This should last me at least 5 years or more I hope.


No rust on the wheel wells, dog legs, bumpers, or rocker panels.


This Explorer sits a little higher than usual and it rides kind of hard. It has warrior shackles and shocks with coil springs on them.
The shocks are probably where the harsh ride is coming from.




This Explorer has a new Walker "cat back" exhaust system, and front control arms (upper and lower).


This Explorer has new headlight, turn signal, and tail light assemblies.
There is a handful of new parts in the trunk area, and the transmission was rebuilt recently.
I'm just happy it has good rocker panels and no sun roof.


Looks awfully clean underneath for a Northeast vehicle. What's the back story on it?

Next month marks the 10th year since I bought and shipped my '98 XLT from AZ. I have avoided exposing it to the road salt/chemicals around here and it still looks as clean underneath as when I bought it. Almost makes working on them a joy!

How can I get my wheels that shiny i have the same ones

Looks awfully clean underneath for a Northeast vehicle. What's the back story on it?

Next month marks the 10th year since I bought and shipped my '98 XLT from AZ. I have avoided exposing it to the road salt/chemicals around here and it still looks as clean underneath as when I bought it. Almost makes working on them a joy!
I did a carfax report on it and it bounced back and forth from PA to NJ several times, LOL.
First owner bought it in PA in 2000 and sold it to NJ owner in 2013 with about 76,000 miles on it.
That second owner only kept it for about two years and sold it back to a person in PA with about 103,000 miles on it.
That owner 3 kept it for a little over two years and drove it up to about 132,000 miles.
4th owner NJ, and 5th owner who I bought it from was in PA. LOL
Now it is back in NJ with me, and if I ever have to sell it I guess it will have to be to someone in PA. LOL

Nice Explorer! Wish mine was as clean as that, I have a good bit of rust underneath and especially the step board areas. That really is funny how that truck was basically the NJ vs PA ping pong ball. What's it got under the hood?

Nice Explorer! Wish mine was as clean as that, I have a good bit of rust underneath and especially the step board areas. That really is funny how that truck was basically the NJ vs PA ping pong ball. What's it got under the hood?
4.0 SOHC V6, same as my 2001 Ranger, 2004 supercharged Ex, and my Supercharged/Nitrous 98 two door.
My Other 2000 Explorer in post 14 used to have the same engine too, but someone swapped it out for the 4.0 OHV engine.
I plan to fix that some day. lol

The first thing I fixed on this Explorer was all the lock cylinders.
With key fobs being able to unlock the doors, no one uses the key in the lock cylinders and they dry out.
Both keys that came with the vehicle didn't work in any lock cylinder until I lubed them up.
After spraying some silicone lubricant in them they all started working and with both keys.
I usually squirt some 10W30 in them, maybe later I will do that.
The windows were moving kind of slow and sticking in the track they ride in, so I sprayed them with silicone spray too.
That stuff stinks but it works good. The windows work much better now.
Yesterday I had the NJ state inspection done on it and it passed right away, good for two years now.


Today I had a little time and energy to play around with the radio. I had turned it on before and saw that it worked but the left front speaker has no sound from it. I verified that today and will look further into it another day. I have some spare door speakers just in case. The D/F door was replaced, I can tell by the paint and missing certification label.
This vehicle has the 6 CD changer in the glove box too. I wanted to test out all 7 spots and see if a CD burned with a computer would play in them. I was surprised to find that they all work, and this thing actually plays CDs burned with a PC.
I will most likely replace this unit with a Kenwood DNX6180 like I have in all 4 of my other trucks, if I can find a working one of those.
Should I bother to test the cassette player? LOL



I found the window sticker in the glovebox inside the owner's manual booklet.
Glad to know that it has a 3.73 LSD.
20 MPG? I can only dream! LOL.

Window Sticker.JPG

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Just a picture from another angle. I'm hoping for warm weather so I can start installing a remote start, and change the rear shocks.
Think I am out of luck as it just got real cold today, at least I got my Ranger water pump done yesterday while it was warmer.

1 Explorer Picture.JPG
