My 5r55e problems... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 5r55e problems...


Well-Known Member
June 15, 2007
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well about 2 weeks ago i started to get the flashing o/d light and some slipping of the transmission.
The next week i started hearing some weird noises from the transmission and then one day at a stop light i gave it gas and no movement of the truck at all.
Soooo i decided i needed to do to TSB for the valvebody

Today i took off the pan and the fluid is very dark and gritty with fine metal shavings. Smells bad....
Is the transmission totally toast?

I dont really want to do the valvebody rebuild and new solenoid if the clutches or converter is trashed.

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i forget the number but when it first started acting up it was the "torque converter peformance/lockup" code

well here are the pictures of my valvebody disassembled
some metal shavings and dark fluid but i cant visibly see any damage...
i was hearing a loud whining noise when it was acting up
could it be the torque converter got all ate up???
I might try rebuilding the valvebody and flushing all the burnt fluid out and see what happens....




took it to the rebuild shop
it was the torque converter, it blew up in lots and lots of little shavings
it fried the clutches and tore up the planetary bearings.
$1429 total rebuild cost....

ohhhhhhhhhh.. :( I'm scared i own the same transmission...
