my diy 4.0 ohv turbo build | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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my diy 4.0 ohv turbo build

I flipped the driver side manifold so i can run a pipe under the bellhousing to Y with the outlet of the drivers side manifold there is where the turbo will be placed. Plan is low boost no more than 5 psi on a draw thru design with the recurculating bypass.

i had built a temp down pipe to get the truck around during the build

runs good no leak from the manifold and today i pulled a garret T3 out of the wrecking yard for a few bucks

I have some digital photos for better quality ill download those when i get a chance

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Are you planning to weld mild steel straight to the cast manifolds? If so, I think you should build some proper headers/manifolds from mild steel. I can give you the contact info of a dude up in Canada (Burlington, Ontario) who CNC cut the flanges for my Explorer. In fact, he probably has some flanges in stock for the OHV engine. I'm 100% sure he has the OHV's pattern on file so if he doesnt have any OHV flanges in stock, he can probably cut a pair in no time.

This is a pic of the SOHC's flange for my headers:


  • header_flange.jpg
    67 KB · Views: 1,708

i like those flanges i sure could use a set if i go turbo on my ranger.

I'm going to try out the factory manifold first there's less; time, money, materials, build these. I have welded cast to steel a few times before and they have held up. There is no point in dumping $$$$$ into a old ford explorer. if i wanted to build flanges anyways I have plenty off machines to cut them out as well. cutting out flanges still takes time, materials, and money. If the cast manifold cannot take the abuse I will look into other ways. I pre-heat the cast and burn the weld in hot. i will also be welding L gussets to the pipe and manifold for more strength and durability along with a support rod from the motor to flange.



i like those flanges i sure could use a set if i go turbo on my ranger.

They have stainless headers for 4.0 mustangs for under 100 bucks on ebay. I was thinking of buying a set just to cut up and turn into something good. Just a thought for you if you have the 4.0 S0HC in your ranger. You'll get the flanges and some weird bends that might come in handy.

I usually don't linke butchering up new parts, but for the price, it may be worth it. I'm not sure how thick the stainless is for that price but...

I have a 95 and if I really need flanges there's a water jet a block away I can have some cut out for me. The truck has headers now and I am not sure what I am going to do with it.

My bad. IZwack posted up SOHC flanges and you stated you could use a set. Just thought you had the SOHC because of that.

its cool i meant i need a set of pretty flanges for a 4.0, was not sohc of ohv. i am so bussy with to much stuff now. i really need like to quit my full time job just to do my hobby stuff. i want to build a twin turbo mark8 kit and i just dont have the time.

this was nice but why not put the turbo back of the fist cat take ona away and put turbo direct on there and put oil to pan and use direct exhause out this way i did it this way and responce is fabulus

pics comes later or look at how STS doing turbo in back of trucks and cars ..
