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my money pit.


Well-Known Member
January 29, 2008
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Ft. Lewis WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Sport 2dr 5Spd MTX
alright well heres my little thread since i dont feel like seeing it get lost in the main sections.

ive STILL been having trouble with getting my elec 1354 to shift to 4wd low.

so i fixed it.

and went to belfair auto wrecking and pick up that manual 1354 ryan told me about.

walk in and the guy said have at it. then i asked him how much to torch the floor for me? he goes tell ya what. 125$ for it all and that includes us pulling us it for you. i was like yea thats a deal. cause it cost me more to go buy the tools to take it out myself! LOL!

so they will call me when its pulled. i paid for it already. :)

so happy i found a manual 1354.

now its lockers and gears next and i think im done for a while.

im content with breaking a few CV's here and there over the cost of going SAS for now.

Kevin do you have a welder if i buy the metal/welding materials can we weld up my own sliders?

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I have a welder!!!

(not to speak for Kevin...but, I know I have a little more time to help with this, as I am not going to Moab)


oh cool!

do u know where i can get enough steel? what grade? how much does the material cost?

If all else fails I could build ya some nifty tube sliders...would be 1.75" DOM...maybe a few dimple dies for kicks:D

Sounds like you got a real good deal on that manual 1354.:thumbsup:

Git er dun before June 12th!!:thumbsup:

I do have a welder, but based on time I think Ryan is right. And with Josh's help I think your gonna get anice set of sliders. Mine would be made from 2x3 square tubing.

Josh, do you have a tube bender? Hmmmm, the possibilities.

how much we talking for materials? discounted welding prices? :D

Yep have a JD2 bender with 1.5 and 1.75 dies. Notcher too:thumbsup:

Material would be about $200, plus a case of sierra nevada and something tasty to put on the grill:cool:

I build em outta 1.75x.120 DOM and 3/16" plate

Josh, for sliders, wouldn't HREW be sufficient? It would keep the cost a little lower.

Yes it would keep the cost down, but we get a good deal on DOM so we just use it for everything. That price factored in a few other things like me driving over to Auburn to pick up steel, a bit of labor/consumables, etc. :) For a stranger I would probably charge $3-400...not a bad deal for what you will get I promise;)

hmm. when you looking todo this?

i have a 3" BL just so you know.

hmmm. where is this gonna be done at?

My shop, in Seabeck. Bout an hour from the fort. Too late to do it this weekend, you'll have to give me some notice so I can order/pickup steel. No rush just let me know if you want to go for it and I'll make it happen.

What's ur cell?

Link to Stolle's new sliders:D
