My plan for lift '93 4 dr Ex | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My plan for lift '93 4 dr Ex


Explorer Addict
May 3, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
North of Edmonton
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT, Cayman Green RIP
So, I have been wanting to lift my Ex since I bought it. It has 31" tires on it so I only want to lift it a couple inches.

After a great deal of reading and head scratching I have come up with the following plan:
- 2" front coils
- F250 shock mounts
- longer front brake lines
- + 8" front shocks, + 2" rear
- Warrior shackles

I decided on new coils partially because the old ones are... old... and that my buddy sells gear and I figured what the heck, I will like the freshly painted coils and the price is right.

I ordered adjustable camber bushings already.

Anyway, just wondering if the suspension guys have anything more to add/suggest. I really like the idea of improving the TTB before I decide if I want to do gears etc. If I can play and not break axles etc I likely will stay with the D35 and do gears and an aussie or selectable.

Please throw your opinion in. I have very little experience in suspension modifications. One thing I have not really found is what year F250 shock mounts are from and 2wd or 4wd.

Thanks guys.

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4WD F-250 shock mounts from '80-'04 will work, though mid-'90s ones are most popular. However I don't think there's a whole lot to gain from them unless you got to at least a 3-4" front suspension lift and are running extended radius arms (lower spring-rate coils would make better use of them too).

The D35 is a good sturdy axle, however the locking hubs aren't the strongest. Most guys pushing them hard upgrade to the Warn #37780 manual Jeep hubs. Also, swapping to genuine Spicer 5-760X axle u-joints with full-circle cap retainers is a popular mod.

I was thinking that once I lift it a bit I would likely want to boost it higher after a while and I could do things right from the get-go with the f250 mount. I will also do the full circle cap retainers. Thanks for your suggestions. If I blow up my manual hubs go I will do the jeep hubs. I have read that the D35 is similar in strength to the D44. You just have to keep the ujoints caps from walking and destroying your yokes. I will get the Spicer joints too. Do you have trouble keeping your wheel bearings tight?

^^^^..I agree on the F250 shock towers completely..They are inexpensive to get from Ford new at this time so buying them now for a future taller lift with extended radius arms would be beneficial..

- + 8" front shocks, + 2" rear

..Depending on howhard you will be wheeling and if your shocks are original or already an upgraded version, you may not need the 2" over on the shocks..This may limit you on your up travel...You might want to get your lift on and let everything settle in first then, "cycle" your suspension...

..This will let you know what you need for your set up as in shocks and how long you may need to extend your brake lines...You might also start shopping around to find out how much your alignment is going to cost after doing this lift now before waiting till you desperately need it and get a case of sticker shock..;)

Hey Tbars, thanks for commenting. I will do on the rear shocks, and I had planned on getting some longer brake lines, I think Gilfred mentioned Dodge 1 ton fronts at one point. I ordered the bushings and am going to give it a go on my own. Shouldn't be too bad I hope.

I've never once had an issue with the wheel bearings on my D35, however I do occasionally see others having some issues...

What has worked well for me is after doing the normal routine setting up the bearing preload (tq inner nut to 35 ft-lbs while spinning the rotor, then back off & retighten to 15 inch-lbs), I then tighten the outer locknut to somewhere between 225-250ft-lbs instead of the 150 the books call for (make sure the inner nut doesn't turn with it while tightening it).
Also use GOOD quality USA-made bearings if you ever replace them (Timken is a good brand). The cheap china junk ones don't seem to last at all in this frontend.

My driver's side keeps backing off, I will try that next time.

Can't wait to start doing this stuff...
