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my X is smashed -I give up on playing with vehicles

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Glad things are looking up.

I'm reading everything people are saying and taking notes. If I ever get rearended, I'm going to know exactly what to do. Thanks in advance for the information!


i dropped off the X at the shop on friday afternoon and picked up my pontiac grand am rental. my dad just called me and said my check came from the insurance company. the estimate was about $3285 and he said the check was for $3500 and change :) looks like ill have no problems getting all that extra work done that i wanted to do :)

ill keep you guys all posted with what happens.

Thats great, I'm glad they padded the check a little, it sounds like you dealt with a good insurance company.

You'll find the worst part will be driving that rental...

Originally posted by Stephen
Thats great, I'm glad they padded the check a little, it sounds like you dealt with a good insurance company.

You'll find the worst part will be driving that rental...

they were actually a great insurance company to deal with - i think theyre just counting their blessings that they havent heard from my lawyer, since theyre aware that their client was at fault and that i did go to see a doctor for my minor case of whiplash, heh.

and so far, the rental sucks, heh. i mean, i guess its a decent car and all, but i just dont like cars. i miss my truck, mostly because its my truck, but i hate sitting so low to the ground, and this car has more body roll than my X, less creature comforts, and a lot less power, heh (its also not very appealing to look at.) oh well, it could always be worse.

Ohit can, trust me.

I put my Lexus in for a service, and I usually get an ES300, RX300 or an IS300 as a loaner. Well, they were out of loaners so they said they'd call over to Enterprise to get me one. This irritated me because I was already late for a lunch appointment, but I said I'd wait. 15 minutes later this purple two door, soft top Geo Tracker pulls up. I think to myself "Heh, someobody's movin on up". Then a guy in a suit comes in and walks into the service advisors offices, and my guy comes out to hand me the key to my loaner. It has a Geo symbol on it. I was irate. Put a $65,000 car in for service and the best Lexus can do is a soft top TRACKER? The service advisor was so emberassed he gave me 20% off of my service bill. I was only kidding around with him, I really didn't care a loaner is a loaner, but he was mortified that was the best they could do.

It was a POS royale too lol.

Originally posted by Stephen
Put a $65,000 car in for service and the best Lexus can do is a soft top TRACKER?

Hehe, reminds me of the time... :D

Once my mom took in her X5 for service. When my parents take in the X5, they're supposed to get a comprable (sp?) vehicle. You should've seen the hell that was raised when she got a Taurus :eek:


i get my truck back tomorrow, but i dont think ill have internet access till next week, so ill post pics then. oh man, i cant wait!

well, its a lazy fruday night, my girlfriend is sitting here studying for an exam next week, and im researching the "driver side sag" issue, and this old thread of mine came up in the search.

i just wanted to go back and thank everyone again for their support, help, and kind comments. since the accident, almost 5 months ago, ive sunk more time, money, blood, sweat, and tears into the truck :) ive got plenty of mods on deck, plenty in the distant future, and as you all know (since youre fellow explorer owners), theres plenty of annoying issues to keep fixing (it seems like the list never ends.) you guys really did help in keeping me from giving up on the X for good. thanks again :)

Originally posted by ChuckyD
Dude... that really sux..... sorry to hear about that man... do what Lee said... be on there ass until u get your money, and when they do your estimate make sure you go over it with them and make sure they arent dicking you around... when i got hit they told me i was going to get a junkyard bumper... i ad it out with the guy when he told me that.... i ended up not using the insurence ... but i would have had some serious issues if they would have put a ****ty bumper on...
Good Luck

This is what happened to my architecture teacher, once he complained of "neck pains" they were more than willing to give him a new bumper.:D

Originally posted by ChuckyD
I think i feel a tear coming on :(

f' off dude :) j/k

seriously, this was really a big deal to me, and all my family and my gf and some friends that arent into cars all think im crazy for all the stuff i do to the truck, so i needed the support i got from everyone on here.
