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Naches Pass - Funny Rocks - Moon Rocks after July15

No problem! That's why we post the trip on the forum :thumbsup:

We'll probably be staying at the Little Naches Campground. It's first come first served. I'll be there thursday mid-day.

We'll make up a couple signs in case we end up somewhere else.

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"Diff Whack Daddy" I think you went wheeling with us a while ago down in Tenino when Ken first got his explorer going and you rode along with him? I had the brown bronco 2 back then. I built bumpers for Ken's explorer after that trip.

It's Ben, right? Yeah, the more the merrier. Glad you finally made it on the board. Looks like Ken and I will have both of trucks out there that weekend. I am supposed to go down to his place to get him all fixed up from his last carnage. Just keep an eye on this thread for more details.

No ATV/OHV in campground :thumbdwn:

Still works for street legal folks like ME!

Was up on Bald Mountain last Saturday runnin' up to CJR's Hideout. There's plenty of "non campground" really cool places to camp along the FS roads leading up to Moon/Funny rocks. One LARGE group had just a killer spot fairly high up with awesome views and there's many more. More over towards east end of the Naches Trail there's plenty of spots along the Little Naches river/ 19 Rd.

I'm guessing Phil and I will be doing sum checkn out of camping locations this coming Saturday 20th........ and I'll make sure and post up pics of them too!

There are usualy spots open right off 410 on Rock Creek road on the way up to the rocks, not to mention all over the ridge. The forest service leaves you alone as long as your rig has a curent plate and most of your lights work...

Yeah, Ken told me that he broke a knuckle joint and his inner axle seals were leaking badly. I asked if 4 wheel parts changed them when they did the gears and locker but he said they told him everything was fine? I told him to just order a set of chromoly shafts from jeffs bronco graveyard and run full circle snap rings instead of the stupid half clips the joints come with.

I still have some pic's of that wheelin trip somewhere, I will have to find them. I have a good one of Ken when he sank the explorer in the creek and he was trying to get out.

Yeah, Ken told me that he broke a knuckle joint and his inner axle seals were leaking badly. I asked if 4 wheel parts changed them when they did the gears and locker but he said they told him everything was fine? I told him to just order a set of chromoly shafts from jeffs bronco graveyard and run full circle snap rings instead of the stupid half clips the joints come with.

That's what we did and are doing. The seals wern't replaced at 4 wheel parts even though he asked them to.

The only thing the full circle clips due is allow the tops of the caps to blow off instead of the whole thing. The nice thing about that, is that it keeps the yoke on the shafts from egging out. I know cause it just happened to me at Moab. That was part two of my fix. I put in a cheap u-joint, but will replace it later when I replace my drag link tie rods (read this )

Participating so far we have;

Albino 94LTD
Painter Ken

Return From Naches

Phil and I returned today from camping at the Little Naches campground Fri/Sat. We ran up to Funny Rocks and Moon Rocks Saturday for sum exploring.

Here's a top quality professional grade ;) video of our venture compressed into 10 minutes to give you a tiny taste of what is there.

There are TONS of trails and roads to be run! So many options with the "Rocks" probably being a all day playground for the BIG boys! Running Naches trail out and back will also be pretty much an all-day thing

Moon Rocks

Funny Rocks

Very Nice Video!

Can't wait to see it in person...

I'm going to try and get some new 31's before the trip...


OK, here's my take on this trip.

1. Naches Pass Trail opens on the 15th
2. We know the All Wheelers from Yakima will be running it Saturday. Based on thier camp site this weekend, they will have at least a dozen rigs.
3. This will be the first weekend the trail will be open and we should anticiapte a lot of traffic.
4. Running the trail East to West and Back will be an all day run. I estimate it to be more than 20 miles round trip.
5. Naches Pass Trail and the 'Rocks' are a good 30 miles apart, 20 of it highway.
6. You can get to the 'Rocks' on regular forest type roads.
7. You can spend all day at either of the 'Rocks' areas, although there are many other roads and trails in the area.

My goal for this trip is Naches Pass Trail. I would prefer to run it Friday in hopes of little or no traffic.

Since it will be an all day run, I'm thinking biasing the camping closer to the Naches trail head would be a good idea.

To that end, there is a great spot, big enough for all of us just a couple hundred feet from the second beginning of the trail on NF1913. There's room for vehicle trailers, Joes motor home, Kevins camper, my trailer and many tents where we won't be right on top of each other.

There's a nice big fire pit too. The only thing missing is a pair of outhouses to string up the movie screen.

NF1913 is about 12.5 miles from SR410, all paved (except for the last 500ft) and the camp area is at 47.05'.15" x 121.17'.02" (correct me if I'm wrong Rick)

Otherwise, as Whitetrashfab said, there's lots of camping on the road to the 'Rocks' but it is gravel shortly after leaving SR410 and a very popular place on the weekends too.

Side Note; make sure you have a full tank of gas before heading up the Naches trail.

Who can make it for a Friday run of the Naches?????

I am pretty sure Painter Ken and I will be there late Thursday night and will be ready for the Naches on Friday. Great scouting trip. Thanks guys.

We got Ken all fixed up Saturday and now he's sportin' new chromolly front axle shafts.

NF1913 is about 12.5 miles from SR410, all paved (except for the last 500ft) and the camp area is at 47.15'.15" x 122.17'.02" (correct me if I'm wrong Rick)

Hey Phil, you might want to re-check those GPS coordianates. According to google maps, that is somewhere in Puyallup. ???????????

I am pretty sure Painter Ken and I will be there late Thursday night and will be ready for the Naches on Friday. Great scouting trip. Thanks guys.

We got Ken all fixed up Saturday and now he's sportin' new chromolly front axle shafts.

Hey Phil, you might want to re-check those GPS coordianates. According to google maps, that is somewhere in Puyallup. ???????????


Try 121.17'.02"

The rectangle in the middle of the picture


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Yep, that's a lot better.

I read somewhere that a Northwest Forest pass was required. Where and how much are those?

Also, is there a reason we are camping on the East side of the Naches pass? I am assuming it's because there are more trails over there for Saturday and Sunday. It just adds 60 miles to the transit and the thing below.

Phil, how bad (steep/twisty) is this section of 410?


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Yep, that's a lot better.

I read somewhere that a Northwest Forest pass was required. Where and how much are those?

Also, is there a reason we are camping on the East side of the Naches pass? I am assuming it's because there are more trails over there for Saturday and Sunday. It just adds 60 miles to the transit and the thing below.

Phil, how bad (steep/twisty) is this section of 410?

My wife does not like that section:D

My wife does not like that section:D

That doesn't answer my question Joe:rolleyes: I am just concerned about how my f-350 will take that section fully loaded.

What is the nearest gas station or store to the camp site.

Yep, that's a lot better.

I read somewhere that a Northwest Forest pass was required. Where and how much are those?

Also, is there a reason we are camping on the East side of the Naches pass? I am assuming it's because there are more trails over there for Saturday and Sunday. It just adds 60 miles to the transit and the thing below.

Phil, how bad (steep/twisty) is this section of 410?

Forest pass? on line here; or most sporting goods stores.
Day pass $5
Annual pass $30

Proximity to trails and weather are reason enough for me. If we were only doing Naches, we could camp on the West side and take our chances with the weather.

Speed limit is 35 and the road surface is smooth. Motorhomes w/trailer queens do it all the time. You'll have no problem, neither will Joe. Burn a little extra fuel but in general, a piece of cake. I was running tranny temp of 230* for about 15 minutes.

It's about the same grade as I-90 or SR-2, maybe slightly steeper but since it's 2 lane and twisty, the speed limit is 35mph. It's a little narrow in sections too so keep eyes out for oncoming motorhomes.

Edit; There's a gas station at Whistling Jacks and a another one little further East that you'll pass on the way to Rock Creek RD to get to the 'Rocks'.

The rigs coming on their own wheels might want to gas up before turning up RD19 (Little Naches River RD) before coming up to camp. The rigs coming on trailers will already have full tanks,,,,,,right?

I found this. It's about 4 mile East on 410 from the NFD 19 road intersection near Cliffdell. If you look close, I think I see a single Shell pump.


I found this. It's about 4 mile East on 410 from the NFD 19 road intersection near Cliffdell. If you look close, I think I see a single Shell pump.


There's a couple pumps there. It's a few cents cheaper further East. I forget what the place is called.

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Okay, one last stupid question. Should I haul firewood in, or will a chainswaw and axe suffice?
