Navigation in 201A | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Navigation in 201A


March 20, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Edwards AFB ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 XLT
When I picked up my Explorer, I asked the salesman if I could buy the SD card for the navigation. Apparently, if you don't get the leather in the XLT, you can't get nav. I didn't understand that fact when I built my Ex, and the Ford site sure didn't make that obvious in any means.

Does anyone know of a work around? is it possible to load nav to the MFT with the 201A package? :salute:

When I picked up my Explorer, I asked the salesman if I could buy the SD card for the navigation. Apparently, if you don't get the leather in the XLT, you can't get nav. I didn't understand that fact when I built my Ex, and the Ford site sure didn't make that obvious in any means.

Does anyone know of a work around? is it possible to load nav to the MFT with the 201A package? :salute:

It's not possible to just buy the SD card to get nav working. You have to have the nav option from the factory in order to get the visual navigation to work. There is something within MFT that keeps this option locked out I believe if you didn't get the option.

The hardware is definitely the same in the ones with Nav and no Nav no doubt. If we wait long enough, eventually someone can extract the software and do it. The only reason why they want to do that is so you buy more and pay more. It's so they make money.

I agree, hardware is same, I'm pretty sure it's only software to get the Nav going.

It looks like there are two unique files required for Nav systems, BT4T-14F500-BE and BT4T-14F603-AM.

I'm guessing if you can figure out a way to get these installed on the MFT, you're good to go.
