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Need clarification on this:


Explorer Addict
March 2, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Wichita, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Sport
I was reading up on how to install the overhead console on the OHC tips page and read this:

Note: The Explorer's with a power sunroof that have an overhead console are the pretty much the same shape but they are little longer compared to the ones that have the "hidden spot" that pretty much holds a garage opener._ They mount a little differently as well._ The bracket is smaller to allow more room for the motor and it has a "tab" on the send of it, which slides under the sunroof._ Ones without that just use screws that go into the mounting bracket.

Does that mean a sunroof style overhead console will work on an explorer without a sunroof?

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It sounds like it should fit from the desription.

I doubt it would work since the rear of the sunroof model console is held in ONLY by sliding the tabs under the trim of the sunroof. There is no other way to hold it in place.


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oh ok ok

since the front metal clips mount the same on both models, I bet I could rig it up to work if I got then nonsunroof style bracket.

The reason I got the sunroof sytle is cause I have the green interior and these things are extremely hard to come by so I went ahead and got it.
