Sunroof Controls on 2000 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sunroof Controls on 2000 XLT


October 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
Aloha Everyone,

Does anyone know what the "ASC" button is for, which is mounted on the overhead console which controls the sunroof? I know who ASC is, but what is that ASC button supposed to do? All I can tell you is that it turns red when I push it. Nothing in the manual says anything about it.


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Not sure on this but either it just lights up or it is a "one touch" button for opening the roof. :monkey:

When the button is red the sunroof will not close when you turn the key off.

WOW! The seach for answers really works. I too have wonder about what the ASC was on my daughter's 96 Exp, now I know.

LMedina said:
Aloha Everyone,

Does anyone know what the "ASC" button is for, which is mounted on the overhead console which controls the sunroof? I know who ASC is, but what is that ASC button supposed to do? All I can tell you is that it turns red when I push it. Nothing in the manual says anything about it.


I believe that would be an aftermarket sunroof, which is why there isn't anything about it in the manual. The factory installed roofs have a toggle similar to/the same as the window toggle.
