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need coil spacer help!


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2000
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Year, Model & Trim Level
91 EB 2x4
im tryin to put my coil spacers on but first off how do i get the spring off? i got it unbolted and my sway bar but i still cant seem to clear the bolt. and also, which spacer is which side? heres the parts i got:

F2TZ5A307A Ford Coil Spring spacer
F2TZ5A307B Ford Coil Spring spacer

should i disconnect the shock too? all i have are simple hand tools, i dont have a shock or spring compressor so i dont want to get myself stuck. and which way is up on these things? do i make it so the side with the pointy thing is pointing down?

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Disconnecting the shocks and swaybar will help let the spring sag enough to get the spacer in. They go on the bottom and should be an L and R to indicate which side is left and right. You keep the washer that is on the bottom of the spring too, not sure which is up or down, but once you get it apart one way should fit better than the other.

ok i got em off enough to get the spring off and put the spacers and springs back on but the bolts arent long enough for the spacers, i can get tthe nut on like half way but not if i put that dome shaped piece on (the piece that keeps the springs on) do i need to get longer bolts? or is leaving that dome shaped thing off ok?

Don't leave the dome off - that holds the spring on the stud. 1st - be sure the dome is upside down - meaning it forms a bowl inside of the spring - not a dome. If your bolts still aren't long enough, you will need new ones. The studs on the 4x2 should be long enough. As I recall, there is about 2-3" of extra length with the studs.

Don't forget to get an alignment - you may also need new camber bushings. if you can find the 1-piece adjustable ones, use them - they are much stronger than the Superlift 2 piece ones...


where can i get longer bolts? would i have to order them from ford or can i go to my local hardware store and pick em up?

coil springs

which end is the top of the coil spacers and which end is the bottom? Is the anti sping pin on the top or bottom.
how long did it take any one to put the spacers on? I put the shackles on to day only took about 45 mins.

the pins face down. Remove the stock spring seats and replace with the f-150 seats(spacers) and put that bushing thing on top, the spring sits on that, then the retainer and the nut.

Very easy to do, once you get the big nut loose;)

Auston, i believe you have the same problem as i did. I have a 2wd X, and from what I have read is that the 2wd X's have longer bolts so the 4wd X's use them to clear the extra distanced need for the spacer. You are gona need a .75" thick, 10" grade 8 blot to run instead of the current one. That will give you approx 1.5-2" extra bolt length which is pretty close to the stock setup. The only problem is finding the damn bolt. I have looked all over and the longest I have found is 8", which is pretty much the same size as the stock bolt. But anyway good luck to ya, let me know how it turns out....

