Need help identifying hose on 2000 4.0 SOHC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help identifying hose on 2000 4.0 SOHC


New Member
January 24, 2011
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Hello all. I'm helping my son with his thermostat housing, and thanks to this thread, two complete newbies managed to get the right parts and replace the housing. I really mean newbie, neither one of us had ever done any work under the hood.

But in the process one hose got damaged and we can't figure out the name of it let alone the part number. A couple trips to Kragen and the Dealership didn't help.

The hose is the one right in the middle of this picture

, the one that has a 90 degree angle "cup" and the white/yellowish plastic clip (which also broke).

It connects to the intake manifold and it comes of a "T". My guess here is that this is a vacuum hose, because it has three layers and it is sturdy as a pipe.

I've searched Rockauto, car-stuff, amazon, jc whitney and a few other sites, but I couldn't find anything that looks like this hose. I don't even know if it is called a hose and not a pipe.

So if any of you guys know the name of this part, it will help us a lot.

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Looks like a fuel line. Autozone,etc... should have "repair kits", if you actually damaged the line itself. The clips should also be available, if that's all that's broken. Don't mess around w/ half-assed repairs here. That line contains high pressure fuel (40-60psi).

goes to fuel vapor management valve

I believe that hose and another one like it on the passenger side of the upper intake manifold connect in a Y or T at the front of the engine. It then runs down the front and ends up connecting to the fuel vapor management valve located below the battery. You may be able to purchase from the dealer just the section from the T to the intake manifold but I wouldn't count on it. Have you tried a salvage yard?

Fuel? That seems more serious. I don't think repairing sounds good now.

Yes there is another one like it connecting to other other side of the manifold. Like a good newbie, I haven't followed past the T to see where they go to.

We haven't tried a salvage yard yet, but it sounds pretty good as he could use another window mechanism as well.

Now, if I go back to the dealership and explain that it is the fuel line that connects from a "T" to the manifold. Is that a good description of it?

That isn't a fuel line, that is an EVAP line. (evaporative emissions, fuel vapor from the gas tank stored in the charcoal canister then released into the intake to burn rather than release VOC (volitale organice carbon) into the atmosphere)

I've done a backyard fix on those before, and you might have to on this.

As the problem with this particular set-up. they all connect together in the front of the intake by the throttle body, and it runs the same hard line hose down below the a/c bracket. So replacing the hose is kind of a big deal.

If you're careful, you can do this. Go to the yard, and cut off that end and a little bit of line behind it.

Get a heat gun, and very carefully to not heat so fast that it just bubbles and melts, heat that line until the piece you broke comes out. (use your junkyard piece as practice) and then do the same on the piece on your engine, but you have to move swiftly, once you get it warm enough for the broken one to come out, the new one has to go in right away, otherwise you might be SOL.

OK. EVAP line makes sense. I still can't find it online but at least I feel a little better about trying to meld it together first.

But I'm curious on why they made it a hard line. The pressure shouldn't be so great. Right?

Thanks about the tip on the heat gun.

yes it is an EVAP line. i just used a chunk of rubber hose to fix mine.

Sorry to bother guys, but I still need some help with this part.

Somehow my son lost the hose and now his mechanic is charging $327 for the hose.

Anyone know how I can go about finding the part number, or at least the official name for this part?

The clues I have right now are that it is an EVAP Purge Tube, part of the part number is 9g271 and it looks like this
. But this is for a 2006 model with caps on both ends. His is a 1999 model with a cap in one end only.

From what I understand there should be some other four digits before the 9g271 and a couple more after.

OK, I found some more clues and a place that sells them.

By elimination I got the following parts
**7Z-9G271-HB or F77E 9G271-HB
**7Z-9G271-BD or F77E 9G271-BD
**7Z-9G271-JA or F87E-9G271-JA

I'm inclined to think that BD is the right one as the description says "Connects engine to vapor management valve"

The HB connects to 9f931 and the JA connects to 9c915, which I'm now trying to find out what they mean.

Just go to the dealer parts dept. I'm sure they'll help you figure out what it is you want to buy from them. It is most likely a dealer-only item anyway.

Just go to the dealer parts dept. I'm sure they'll help you figure out what it is you want to buy from them. It is most likely a dealer-only item anyway.
The mechanic said the dealer only sells the whole pipe system, for $327...

I got another picture, same as the dealer that shows the part

I'm pretty sure parts A and B are the same, one to each side of the manifold, and I only need one of them.

Here is the rest of the page that is selling the parts.


What do the two characters after 9g271 mean?

It's basically just a big vacuum line - replace it with a few pieces of rubber hose and a T fitting, should only cost a few bucks at any hardware store.

It's basically just a big vacuum line - replace it with a few pieces of rubber hose and a T fitting, should only cost a few bucks at any hardware store.
Sorry, I'm really a rookie in mechanics and now I'm more confused yet.

I thought an EVAP line was just for evaporation. Is it also a vacuum line?

Since I only need one leg of the "T", part "A" above, then any hose long enough will do?

The fuel evaporation system is under a vacuum. What you want is a F77Z-G271-AA. It is a hose assembly from the photo you posted above with the engineering number F77E-9G271-A. The base or callout number 9G271 simply means it's a fuel vapor tube. The prefix and suffix isolate the particular part.

What is broken on the hose you have. I'd sure splice a piece into it! If you need the clip I'd say a plain old replacement fuel filter clip , LIKE THESE would work.

Sorry, I'm really a rookie in mechanics and now I'm more confused yet.

I thought an EVAP line was just for evaporation. Is it also a vacuum line?

Since I only need one leg of the "T", part "A" above, then any hose long enough will do?

As long as that line is airtight, you'll be fine - duct tape, super glue, rubber hose, 50 cent plastic hose fittings from the local hardware store, etc. No need to spend a bunch of money ordering "genuine" ford parts.

U agree with the easy fix. Get some rubber hose and some metal screw type clamps and call it good. The plastic stuff will just break.

If you want to get into more fixes on your own check out the links in my signature. Lots of helpful stuff. Enjoy.

Sorry to bother guys, but I still need some help with this part.

Somehow my son lost the hose and now his mechanic is charging $327 for the hose.

Anyone know how I can go about finding the part number, or at least the official name for this part?

The clues I have right now are that it is an EVAP Purge Tube, part of the part number is 9g271 and it looks like this View attachment 390417. But this is for a 2006 model with caps on both ends. His is a 1999 model with a cap in one end only.

From what I understand there should be some other four digits before the 9g271 and a couple more after.
Try F87E-9G271-AA. This fits my 2002 Ford Explorer Sport 4.0l sohc. Yours may be have different beginning numbers, but it is a start.

Try F87E-9G271-AA. This fits my 2002 Ford Explorer Sport 4.0l sohc. Yours may be have different beginning numbers, but it is a start.
dang!! i was gonna say welcome cause this is your first post, but then realized youve been here longer than I 🤣 is this a new record? 9 years till 1st post

dang!! i was gonna say welcome cause this is your first post, but then realized youve been here longer than I 🤣 is this a new record? 9 years till 1st post
still learning

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