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Need Help! Manual to Automatic Tranny Swap..

Canadian Rob

January 5, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT
Im reposting this here aswel, cuz I noticed after I posted that there is a forum dedicated to transmission work..

Hello.. Me and my buddy both currently own '91 ford explorers.. I own one with a five speed manual transmission and he owns an automatic.. He is a more seroius off-roader than I am, so I was willing to give up my manual transmission and resort to having an automatic..I know for the off road performance, and off roading handling, also overall control, its smarter to go with the manual, but Ive considered my options and figure that me just running '33 tires with a '3 body lift can be happy with an automatic, whereas his explorer has a 6inch suspension lift, 3 inch body lift, and the plan of running 36x 13 1/2.. So as u can tell, for the mudding terrain around here, it is more reasonable to consider the swap.. Im not planning on going any bigger than my current mod.. Ive heard a few things of what I might need to complete the swap, such as a longer drive shaft, some linkage work on the steering column.

Overall.. I was wondering if anyone else has attempted, or even completed this task, and aswel if they could give me tips, or any kind of imformation I might need to make this go sucessful.. I would appreciate it greatly..



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You are giving him your 5 speed and he's giving you his A4LD automatic?

Both trucks are 91?

Park them next to each other and get started.

I converted my 4.0L BII from a Mazda 5 speed to a A4LD automatic.
Now would be a great time for a rebuilt automatic, how many miles do both trucks have?

You will swap:
brake pedal/clutch pedal assemblies
Clutch 3 position switch wiring bypass
Clutch block off plate
transmission wiring harness
trucks computer (may have to run a couple wires too, but I doubt it)
obviously the transmission
steering column and shifter/instrument cluster for the auto selector
Shift cable/kick down cable
clutch/torque converter

and thats about it.

Since you have both trucks it makes this 100 times easier.
I think you are both nuts however, dealing with 91 trucks, you are putting alot of trust in some high mileage transmissions and components planning to spin large tires.
You are swapping a reliable trans for a problematic transmission into your truck (the LD in A4LD stands for LIGHT DUTY)

Welcome to the site. Hope that points you in the right direction.
The search button on this forum will bring up alot of members who have converted from the a4LD auto to other transmissions, including the Mazda 5 speed and C4 automatic.

Thank you so much for the information.. I appreciate that a lot.. And thanks for the welcome to the site..

I have a couple follow up questions..

That list you made, is that a 'direct swap' list? As in, I can interchange my components straight across for his? I know somethings might need tweaking, and maybe some mickey mousing, but Ive also been told I might need to lenghten my driveshaft in order to make up some space or something.. Im not fully sure, Im goin on basically what I was told..

Ive also been told more and more lately to not even consider the swap, because the transmission in the automatic is the same they use on Ford Aerostar vans of the same period, which would make sense out of the 'light duty' point you were making.. I have seen my buddies explorer accomplish some pretty 'iffy' mudding situations when he was running 33' tires with that same transmission (the one I might be trading for).. Ive also been told the 5 speed manual transmission I have is very reliable (in comparison).. All of this keeping in mind that this is my first rig, and I have not dealt with such huge swaps, or in some point of views, downgrades..

About us being nuts using the '91s, you might be right.. I know its sounds a little wierd, but I stopped liking the look of the newer model explorers, and Im very comfortable with the '91.. Personal preference I guess..


no no no the 91 Explorer is a tank, they are awesome trucks.

What I am saying is swapping transmissions from one 91 to the other without rebuilding the auto is a BAD idea, you are just asking for transmission problems.

the driveshafts would not be an issue, you can swap those too, however the 5 speed and auto both put the T case in the same exact spot so the driveshafts should be the same on both trucks.

yes the Aerostar used the same A4LD auto and 4.0L engine

I say keep your 5 speed, if your buddy wants an auto behind his 4.0L in his 91 and the truck will be used for wheeling mostly with 36" tires I would highly recommend he look into the 3 speed C5/4 conversion. Ditch the A4LD.

That list is a general idea of what you are getting into. But with both trucks being present this conversion would be EASY, you have EWVERY PART YOU NEED to do a factory like swap.

Or you could just trade trucks?

I wouldnt wanna trade.. haha.. He's definetly abused his more than I have.. I definetly appreciate all this help, and Im actually gonna consider just keeping my transmission..


Good Idea.

My Bad, found a better thread. Apologies.

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