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Need help with my V8 swap

I don't know if they test'em anymore... I'll have to call and find out.

Um... put the other computer in... and it does the EXACT same thing... cranks, gets fuel, but no spark.

We feel it has to be something that goes to the computer.. the computer has power.. everything has power...

How does the computer know when to send spark, and how does it send it.??
We checked the cranks position sensor... the one on the timing cover... we checked ohm's, and it was like .35 and when we checked it while cranking it.. and it would only jump to like .2 and then back to zero... just slight, very hard to see it.

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~.2 reading was actually volts AC reading, per book. Also checked other 4 coil wires with test light to positive batt. post. Saw no grounding pulses from PCM???

waste spark system

The ignition is a waste spark ignition system with two spark plugs firing at the same time. One cylinder plug is on the compression stroke and the other is on the exhaust stroke. The pairs are: 1&6, 3&5, 7&4, 2&8. The spark current flows in opposite directions in each pair of plugs. I think this is why Explorers are susceptible to early spark plug failure for some types of plugs. Electrode wear is dependent on current flow direction. The four trigger wires from the PCM to the coil pack fire the coils by momentarily being grounded. The PCM timing of the trigger pulse depends on the signal from the crankshaft position sensor. The crankshaft position sensor detects ferromagnetic motion. It senses the absence of the 36th tooth on crankshaft balancer/harmonic dampener. Haynes says to test the crankshaft position sensor there should be about 1.5 volts at the connector with the ignition on. With the connector disconnected and the engine cranking there should be pulses on a voltmeter set on AC. It doesn't specify the amplitude of the pulse but I suspect what you're reading is appropriate. What was the DC voltage source to the sensor with the ignition switch in run?

I still suspect that you have no ignition trigger pulses because of an anti-theft issue. I believe that the first V8 PCM has recognized that it is not in its original environment and has disabled the ignition. What confuses me though is that you have no anti-theft light warning. There still may be some wiring issues to resolve. Have you verified the TPS voltage and the PCM keep alive memory voltage? Have you read the 5 digit code on the RAP module and tried entering it into the PCM?

IT RUNS.... IT LIVES.... and it was that dang crank position sensor... mainly it was the aftermarket timing cover... the mounting position for the sensor wasn't the same, so it wasn't putting out a large enough we slotted the sensor to give it adjustiblity....
but it runs now... sounds like a derby car.. .since no exhaust..

I was surprised that it wasn't anti theft issues...

I'm back in Indy, w/o the explorer, it'll all be finished next weekend... YAY..

Be sure to post some pics and vids when you get it running.


I'm thrilled that you got it running! Now you can study without worrying about why your engine wouldn't start. Due to your efforts everyone knows that anti-theft is only an issue for PATS (1998+) engine swaps. Take pride in having resolved a difficult diagnostic issue!

HECKS YEs..... I wish I could've finished everything that needed finished before leaving for school. But it will be alot easier to concentrate on school knowing that it started.

I was so convinced that it was the antitheft... but the fact that the theft light wouldn't come on while cranking I knew it couldn't be it.

How should I make a writeup.?? Simple and easy or everything right down to the very smallest detail.

OHH.. and I put some new tires on it too.. they're very well used... but they'll work until I can get a good set. 33x12.50x16 Interco Truxus MT's, they're on my stock chrome rims. I forgot to take pics before leaving but they'll be up next weekend.

Here's a couple good pics...

I have a good friend with a sticker/sign shop and he made me a couple forum stickers....4
There is a on the back window

Congratulations Tyler! Glad to hear that you got it all figured out!


:D Were the standoffs for the crank sensor too far out from the reluctor wheel on the damper? That is odd that the sensor had to be slotted to make it work...

But you did it...Life from a conversion or engine buildup I swear I never get tired of it and it always thrills me and scares me at the same time...

On your writeup if you have pics to go along with the verbage that would be excellent...And I know what you went through to make it happen will aid anyone else either starting a swap or knee deep in their own...Especially add stuff like when you had to redrill the engine mount bracket for the v6 mount on one side to work? Stuff like that...And pics of that if you have it...

Great job on that...

EXCELLENT! you have accomplished something that i can only dream about for the moment! glad to hear you have it running now. :thumbsup:

Congrats !!! I was also convinced it was anti theft related.

now get that thing finished!!

quoting myself here...

swapping to a different motor is a huge undertaking.

And you've done it! You make the rest of us proud

Thanks Curtis, thanks everybody... It took alot longer than I wanted.. all because of a dang aftermarket part.

Axial I started reading this thread and it was like reading a mystery novel, classic whodunnit. I was just waiting and waiting going from page to page to see whether you got this monster running. Congrats man on a job well done. I have the utmost respect for you seeing how I couldn't even dream of pulling a job like this. I hope your truck runs well and you enjoy it. Good luck at school, best wishes, and congratulations!


Ive been following this thread since you started it. You opened my eyes alil more about possible V8 swap in my 99 SLT. Never know what you can do until you do it. Good luck with school and the mew powerplant.

Again thanks everybody, I'm going to start a writeup in my extra time.

be sure to get sound clip of it

ohh I will

Well I made it home safe and sound... taking it to the exhaust shop tomorrow... So it should be legal tonight... I'll get the hood and bumper so I can just drive it to town tomorrow.

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V6 radiator & exhaust

You said in an earlier post that you were going to use your stock V6 radiator. If you hadn't used an electric fan do you think the stock V8 fan and shroud would fit with the V6 radiator?

Please post a description of your exhaust system when its done.
