Need recommendation for AC/heater repair | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need recommendation for AC/heater repair

That is exactly the one. Works like a charm, just be carefull if you use a dremel to only cut out the area underneath that looks like a triangle. Straying outside the lines is a no-no as the heater core and a/c exchange are also in that big black box and you do not want to put a hole in either.

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Ok yeah that's the part that makes me a little nervous... the cutting part. I'm going to go through the thread and see if I can figure out definitively which part I'm supposed to cut... so I don't end up breaking anything else.

Really leaning towards just doing this myself. Doesn't look like it'd take very long, or be very hard as long as you're taking it slow and being patient.

Picked up the part from O'Reilly just now... re-reading that guide & gonna get started. Cross your fingers!

Update... old door is OUT, and yes, it was most definitely messed off... the "stud" for lack of a better term, where the actuator actually turns the door, was broken off completely.

I wasn't able to remove the actuator to start... so it might be a bit rough putting the new door in & making it work. We'll see... here goes nothing! So far so good!

I only actually read the first few posts, and saw it mentioned only hot or only cold... so I kept looking and stumbled upon:

Which is what I followed. I'm waiting on a part to get delivered (actuator--turned out it was bad too!).. then I'm going to finish up and hopefully have a working heater and air conditioner! yay!

Pretty easy so far... just had to force myself to relax a few times and not rush, especially while cutting. That's what took the longest b/c I *really* didn't want to have to face my wife if I broke something..

Maybe I was wrong? I plugged in new actuator, went from max AC 60 degrees to vent 90 degrees... zero movement? Am I doing something wrong? I figured I plug it in & move it from coldest to hottest to make it move.

Do you have the digital climate control? If so, the original "head unit" diagnosis might not be off base.

Stumbled upon this:

Running diagnostics on it made it start working... the original actuator. So I'm going to take back the one I just bought... pocket that $32 & change and put it towards renewing my Elite Explorer status here :)

God I've missed this place.

Still trying to put the d*mn blend door in & aligned correctly.... and things were going so smooth.. lol

Few more extremely careful cuts... since I could visually see the heater core, I knew I wasn't cutting into it lol. And then I finally was able to get the new blend door in. I thought YAY... then got discouraged after I couldn't get the darn actuator back in... slowly, one degree at a time, bumped the temp up... until it finally matched up & fell in. Re-tested to make sure the door was working........ HURRAY! Sealed it back up, re-tested on cold motor...... hot air, cold AC... I'll be sending in my $20 for elite status again tonight after I take back the $32 actuator to o'reilly lol.

Can't thank you guys enough... my wife & daughter thank you all as well!! No more FREEZING in the truck!

EDIT: Elite Explorer again. Money well spent. Thanks for the tremendous help all!
