need to disconnect torque converter | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need to disconnect torque converter

eric helgoth

New Member
December 8, 2003
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jackson, wyoming
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 xl - 4wd
I need to disconnect my torque converter from my flywheel because I am replacing the engine however, I cannot get a socket around the nuts to break them loose. There isn't enough space between the nut and inside edge of the flywheel. Is there a special thin wall socket I can purchase or should I grind one down to fit? Thanks in advance.

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I just did this a couple times and you can do it by removing the starter and then looking through the hole the starter was in and rotating the engine to see all of the nuts.

I've gotten that far but my sockets won't seat on the nuts as there is not enough clearance between it and the edge of the flywheel.

well, that must be different in your situation, I had no problem seating the socket around the nut. Yeh, I would try to rig up a special socket.

Thanks grisc. I used a little persuasion with a bfh (big hammer) and the socket I had worked fine. After I got them all off, I found the last moron who put the thing together long before I owned it had stripped the nuts a bit. Anyway, problem solved. Thanks again. Now I am ready to yank!

a friend of mine has a special thin wall socket turned down on a lathe (i know its too late now).

A deep 9/16" or 14mm worked for me no problems witht he flex plate
