need to find wire in top console | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need to find wire in top console


New Member
January 5, 2010
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'08 XLT V6 '97 XLT V8
I just purchased an 08 Explorer XLT and am trying to hardwire a radar detector above my rearview mirror. I have looked almost everywhere for something showing which wires in the top console are always on and which turn off when the car turns off.

Anways, my radar comes with a thing to tap into a wire that is not powered when the car is off. I took off the top console but could not figure anything out myself. The only wires i saw were 3 (purple/white, purple, purple/orange i think) which ran to the light and a bounded string of wires running to the sun roof. I suppose the sunroof wire would work but I have no idea which one I should tap into.

Does anyone have any suggestions on which wire would be ideal for this in the top lighting fixture/sunroof console or would I need to run it along the roof liner and down the side of the windshield into the radio or something?

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If you have a test light or an electic meter you could just measure for which one is hot with key on and dead with key off. Your right, one of those purplish wires are hot at key on. A test light is cheap and may be the best way, plus they're handy to have around.

make sure its not one of the delayed wires when you testing the sunroof.

The sunroof power is on the delay so it will still show hot after turning off the key, but will shut off when you open the door. So either test with the driver door open or open it while checking after key is turned off.

Ok, I've ordered the ford wiring diagrams book and will probably order the thing to test if a wire is hot in a few minutes.

So I guess I can figure out which one would be best to tap into on my own but any suggestions would be very helpful since I only have 1 tap and need to get it right the first time.

Here's what the radars hardwire guide says:
The black ground wire is fitted with a lug to allow it to be attached to any grounded screw under your vehicles dashboard. (I'm guessing one of the black screws up top with a g on the will work)
The red striped wire for +12 volts is fitted with a 1/4" male spade lug. We have also provided a special 3M connector that allows you to tap into an existing wire. The connect can only be used with wire gauges 18 through 14.

A delayed wire would work fine for me.

My only concern is will the wires running to the sunroof or light have enough power (obviously i don't know much about electricity) to run the radar without anything shorting out or failing or worst of all voiding my warranty. The wires running the the lights seem very very small.

I hardwired my radar detector into my overhead console, though for the life of me I can't remember what wire it was, but you'll find it I'm sure :). There was plenty of juice up there for it, the radar detector took hardly any power...
