need to know what transfer case | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need to know what transfer case


August 13, 2006
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91 E.B. 4x4 Explorer
I got a 91 eddie baur . I am wanting to know what transfer case will hook straight up in me converting to manual shift instead of push button. I have searched this site for hours any help will be app. And are both auto hubs supposed to hve the plastic threaded looking things in them . one of mine don't.

The manual shift BW 1354 T-case is what you want. i

The auto hubs themselves should have no plastic parts in them.

There is a plastic cam (with springs) that seats over each spindle (in other words, one on each side), if that's what you're referring to.

The cams should not just come off with the hub, you should have to pry them off by hand.

Your hubs cannot engage unless these cams are present and properly installed.


thats it

thats what I was referringing to . Mine is missing on one side. Can you buy them at a parts store . Also are there any how to forums on taking it off and changing the inner and outer bearings.
