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Need Towing Advice


New Member
April 25, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
South Shore, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 EB
Looking to tow new boat with 02 EB 5.0L 3.73 LS and Class III/IV hitch. Boat, engine, trailier, gas and gear estimated weight is around 6,500 lbs. Will travel with family of four and gear distances of 5-50 miles each weekend this summer. X has third row seat.

Do I need to modify this X to handle the load? What do you recommend.



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You may want to check either the year or the engine because they don't go together.

01 and below-5.0 OHV
02 and up- 4.6 SOHC

If it's a 02+ with a 4.6, I say you will be fine towing it with the proper hitch. Keep the O/D off.

If it's a 01 and below with a 5.0, that's kinda pushing the towing limits of the truck.


Looking to tow new boat with 02 EB 5.0L 3.73 LS and Class III/IV hitch. Boat, engine, trailer, gas and gear estimated weight is around 6,500 lbs. Will travel with family of four and gear distances of 5-50 miles each weekend this summer. X has third row seat.

Do I need to modify this X to handle the load? What do you recommend?



A tranny cooler would be a good add-on.

I posted on your other thread. Please do not double post.

Yep, you're right...4.6L V8.


You didn't say if yours is AWD or not. If it is then your tow rating is 7000 lbs. If it is 2WD then your tow rating is 7300 lbs according to TrailerLife magazines' 2002 towing guide. You said "Boat, engine, trailer, gas and gear" will be about 6500 lbs. Are you taking into account gear in the Explorer and passenger weight? Another important # that you have to take into account is your GVCW. I think you'll find that you are right at that # or maybe even over once you put 4 people and gear in the Explorer. Most people recommend that a more realistic towing # to go by is 75% of the MFG maximum rating. In your case that would be 5250 lbs. and 5475 lbs. (depending on AWD or 2WD). This gives you a cussion for passing, going up hills and stopping when going down hill. For your 5 mile trips it probably won't be a problem. The 50 mile trips could produce some scary moments.


Thanks. It's 4x4. According to the Ops Manual total tow cap is 6500 #. It's less than the usual #7000 rating because of the 3rd row seat. So at 6500x75%=4875# sounds like I need some extra power.


I'm not surprised since Trailer Life Magazine tends to be off a bit on their ratings (or at least they don't give enough information as to what equipment was on the vehicle they rated). I ran into that when I tried to determine the tow rating of a friends Durango. It was all I had available as a reference though since I don't have an '02. I would definately go by the Operators Manual before Trailer Life Magaine. However, the magazine does have a bunch of valuable information. That sucks that the third row seat cuts your rating down by 500 lbs. I'm guessing that is to take into account the weight of the two or three people that might be riding back there. I sure hope the seat doesn't weigh 500 lbs.

If you are saying that there is 6500 without the weight of the X, then, you are in Tahoe/Expedition territory.
