New springs for the RCD kit found | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New springs for the RCD kit found


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
September 16, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Virginia Beach, Va
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 4x4 Mounty
After a 4 week wait my springs finally came in. Eibach 12' x 2.5" with a 750 lb spring rate. Old springs were 600 lb and sagged to about 4" of total lift. They also caused horrible body roll. They swapped out without a fuss in about 3 hours with air tools. Ride is 10x better with these new springs along with a little over an inch in added height.

I figure a sport could run the 600 lb springs without problems but my 4 door V8 mounty is a good bit heavier.








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edited original post

:notworthy: once again i am amazed

Very nice boomin, I might try those one day.

Damn your truck looks nice...

Just wondered if you know what the part number is on the shocks and those 750# springs. I'm considering putting them on instead of the t-bars with my superlift. In less you have a suggestion for another source for the coilovers.

do you know the part number for those springs?

You can just barely see it, but it says 1200.250.0750 on the spring.

Thats it. Not many people other than Eibach make over 600s

truck looks awesome
whats next?

That's a great looking Mountaineer:chug:


I have the stock coil over spings on mine and they are about 2.5 years old and I have them tighted to the max. When I go off-road and I hit a bump they tend to spring back extremely fast since I have the coil compressed to the max. My question is, do you think these new springs will allow me to set the springs less compressed and not lose ride height? How do they handle off-road, and do you think you can take a picture of the spanner nut so that I can see how tight you have your spring set?

Thanks a ton!


I'm having these installed in the morning !

I've got bad body roll the front was a tiny bit lower after the install,and it only dropped the slightest bit since,but it needs the higher rated springs.

Boomin installed my RCD lift,and I had the pleasure of getting to ride in his mounty !!
his truck rides great with no body roll that I could feel !

on my sport,I'm expecting to get it level,and still have a good amount of turns left on that nut while eliminating the body roll !!

Sorry to hijack but have any pics? I'd love to install that on my Sport as well.

I'll take some after the eibach springs go on !

sweet, thanks

I noticed on that the 800 in/lb springs are $10/ piece cheaper then the 750 in/lb springs. Do you think that the 800's would be too stiff? I am thinking I can tighten them not as much and achieve decent lift, is this correct?

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If you havn't got them yet, 800s might be a little stiff for you. I would do either 700 or 750 because you only have a V6.
