need wiring diagram to swap in 4.0 L | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need wiring diagram to swap in 4.0 L


October 24, 2006
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ive got a 90 ranger that im swapping in a 4L out of a 98. Its a OHV. I have a 4L wiring harness out of a 93 explorer with the intake to bolt onto the 98 4L. Anyone know where I can get a 90 ranger 2.9L wiring diagram and a 93 explorer 4L wiring digram? is the autozone one any good? thanks!

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yea good luck with that. Do you have the computer & all the sensors from the 98 Incl. O2's , Ive never used auto zones wiring diagrams but i know a few people that have & they seemed to work pretty well actually wish you the best, Be sure to let us know how its coming.

no ive got the harness and computer out of the 93. I took the intake from the 93 and put it on the 98. hopefully it all works. I got the 02s off the 98 tho.

so the computer is from a 93 intake 93 but all sensors 98? that aint gonna be good #1 OBDII O2 sensors probably can not be read by an OBD I system, You have to match somethin either all the 93 stuff since you have the comp. or get the 98 harness & comp. Either way youre lookin at a lot of work & head aches tryin to get it all to jibe good luck

hmmm i really cant remember. This is a buddys rig. im not 100% sure what o2's he is using. So you think he should run the o2s off the 93? the 93s only have 1 and the 98 have 2 right? any other problems that he might run into?

93 has 2 02 sensors
98 has 4

you should get the exhaust and y pipe for the 4.0L

as for the wiring it can get tricky and there are several ways of going about it
the key is to map out the truck and then your harness
then make a computer/trans/power harness for the 4.0L that plugs into the truck
