New addition.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New addition....

So my girlfriend decided that her Ranger needs to go due to personal circumstances.... so she replaced it with a 97 Explorer XL. 2 owners from new, 182000 kms, Full dealer history till the 2nd owner took over, then he did all the maintenance himself. Came with command start and brand new tires, never been offroaded or smoked in.


what do you guys think?



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Looks pretty clean, Si.

It is... she's overjoyed with it.. so we put a 24hr permit on it, as it's gotta go thru a safety yet, it needs upper and lower ball joints and outer tie rods. Took it 4x4ing and it never got stuck once.... it's so good.


what's command start? :dunno:

it's where you push the button on the remote fob and the car starts and warms up, while you're inside all nice n warm....


in Canada we call remote start a command start , and that is the company name,

nice ex, but it needs more lights, and bigger tires,,

There are already plans in the pipeline.... but apparently, she doesn't want to go redneck with it.... so the lights will be on mine instead... haha


Nice truck! Never though before but of course you'll be getting into real snow now, engine heaters and all that stuff. -25 the first time we landed at Winnipeg and it's dead easy to get -60 and worse with the wind chill on a sled.

Got into that yet? You will - I think it's compulsory! The Polaris guys all ***** the Arctic Cat tribe and vice versa. They all ***** the Ski Doo guys but it's all fun and banter as I'm sure you've found. Nothing quite like giving it max on a 1000cc triple!

Had another thought about your situation too - I'll pm you.

Keep it to the bar!

