New Aluminum Sport Pedals | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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January 31, 2012
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2015 Explorer Sport 3/18
Has anyone swapped out their factory accelerator and brake pedals with the Flex Pedal Kit (Motorcraft BG1Z-9G757-A) or the SHO Pedal Kit (Motorcraft DG1Z-9G757-A)? I haven't found a kit for the XSport. I believe these are all the same OEM part which indicate memory adjustable foot pedals, they are both around $100.00 for accelerator pedal sending unit and brake pad swap. I looked at the OEM accelerator pedal in my XSport, and they look the same, but the OEM accelerator pedal sending unit only for the XSport is twice as much ($200.00) I did this on my prior Edge Limited ($80.00) and really liked the look of the aluminum pedals. I think I'm going to order the Flex Kit and try it out, my local parts counter is pretty good about no re-stocking fees if it doesn't work out.

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Keep us posted! I was disappointed to see plain jane pedals in the Sport.

Here it is. Well, I finally got a chance to install the Taurus/MKS Sport Pedal Kit (DG1Z-9G757-A ) on my Explorer Sport, I can't believe this is not OEM. It was really simple, the best tool to use to attach the brake pedal pad is a paint can lid remover you get from the Home Depot. The accelerator pedal is about +/- 6mm (1/4") closer to the brake pedal. From my crude measurement, they were 80.47mm (3-5/16") OEM, now they are 74.85mm (3") apart. I'm sure the Flex Sport Pedal Kit (BG1Z-9G757-A) will fit as well, I just don't know if the spacing is different.


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Nice mod Iraia, looking good.

Where did you order from ? What was the price?

Nice mod Iraia, looking good.

Where did you order from ? What was the price?

+1 would also like to get more info on where and how much to buy them :)

I ordered from and they were delivered to my local dealership, I paid 85.00 + tax. I spent about a half a hour to install.

Meh, I could think of several other things I'd rather spend $100+ on, than something that spends its time under my foot.

I'm interested to hear if they have them for the gen 5.

I might be interested , all depends on the price we can get in my case.

Keep us posted.

Ok so heres the deal.

The new sets for 2011-2014 Explorers are ready and on the website.

If we can get 10 to purchase we will receive a 10% discount; if we can get 15 or more to purchase we can get a 15% discount.
I have to talk to Chip one more time and i bet i could get free shipping for us too.

3 pedals: Parking brake, brake and gas.

Im pretty sure with my all black interior i wont be getting any anodizing but right now Im in between the grid or satin...both types of trim are used in the explorer!

Meh, I could think of several other things I'd rather spend $100+ on, than something that spends its time under my foot.

i would tend to agree with you but when you get used to a good set of aftermarket pedal/pads you realize its worth it. (Unless you have monster feet!!!)

I'll buy. Thinking the black with silver countersink...

Aluminum Pedal Covers For Sport?>>>

Looking at my interior this evening and I am surprised that there is not an aluminum pedal kit available. Does anyone know if something like this would fit?
I know the dead pedal would not work but I am wondering about the other two.



Dumb question but I have to ask - do they just snap onto the factory pedal assembly once the stock rubber covers are removed?

Thanks - looks great! Exactly what I am after. My father has them on his SHO and they are great!

New Aluminum Sport Pedals... with group buy discount!

Hey y'all,

I've been working with Anthony at and an aluminum pedal set specifically for 2011-2014 Explorers is being designed!

I've had "sport" pedals in all my cars, and love them. They give that added touch, and just make the car feel faster. ;)

Respond to this thread or PM me if you are interested in getting in on a group buy discount. Depending on the number of people, the discount will be 10-25%, and the pedals should retail for right around $60 I believe. (Final numbers are yet to be set, but you're not committing to anything by responding). Do respond ASAP though, as once the design is finalized and tested, the product will be manufactured, and anyone not on the group buy will miss out on the discount!

Let me know if you have any questions, and if cant answer you directly, I'll be sure and get the manufacturer's response. They've been great to deal with so far! Here's an idea of what the pedals will look like:


Am I safe to assume these will replace the stock pedals? Or, are they just meant to fit over the of the existing ones?


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These will replace the stock pedals for the ones that are removable (e.g. brake pedal). For those that are not removable (e.g. the gas pedal), they will form fit over the existing pedal.
