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New ARB Safari Snorkel

what kind of glue did you guys use to seal the pipes?

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I think it was conduit glue. They sell it along side the conduit at Lowes and Home Depot.

that what i thought it was, just making sure didnt know if it would be used for something moving all the time, didnt know if it could hold up thats all

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Great install on the snorkle.

Couple of questions. First, how much water gets inside the cab on your water crossings and how did you minimize it?

Second, If you have a KKM air filter how could this be integrated into a snorkle or would I have to go back to the stock air box?


You'll need to go back to a stock airbox. I dont know if the KKM will fit inside the stock 4.0 cone box or not.

If your door seals are good, water coming into the cab should be minimal.

had to switch back..

I had the kkm set up and was trying to find a way to use it with my snorkel.but no dice even if you did use the kkm you would have to find some tubing or pipe or something to house the cone and then some bigass rubber boots to secure back down to the smaller pipe.. it is possible i seen it on my buddys jeep but it took up as much room as a stock box maybee even more..Good luck on the cutting,o yeah and watch out for the inner box structure.... :D

Thanks for the replies.

The seals on the bottom of my door has a gap. Any theories on how to connect them. Didn't really want to throw silicon on there but that was the only idea I could come up with. Any thoughts?

Do you have a pic of the gap? I think I know what your talking about, but want to be sure.

Mine has a small gab, but its because thats the 2 ends of the door molding. There was a small rubber piece that was inserted into both ends, to close the gap, but has since been lost.
