new emblem!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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new emblem!!

i went to my local stealership and ordered a emblem for a 06 xlt to put on my 91 xlt. my grand total so far 12.60 usd. anyone shaved their old 1st gen emblems off how much of a pain in the arse is it. as soon as im off work im going to pick it up. i would post pics but do not know how to on here. i will put them on my cardomain. help with pics would be great so i can show it off. i got the idea from blazinfire85 on cardomain.(gotta give respect were respect is due) :thumbsup:

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the emblem on the grille ? or the back ?

please help!

i peeled it off the old emblem and there was that glue type stuff underneath i spent around a hour getting the chunks off and there is like a brown outline of the glue i messed up my paint in a spot so i covered that with the new emblem but i have a part of the brown glue stuff sticking out its flat with the paint and i want to get rid of it but i dont know how i dont want to f*** my paint up. any tips??? please help!!!

yeah that stuff is quite potent.
I am sorry to say odds are slim that you will get that hard stuff off with out damaging the paint.
Best I can tell you is some " Goof-Off " or " Goo Gone " and a very steady, gentle hand with a rasor blade.

Good luck

the emblem is the explorer one not the ford logo deal

monmix- i got all the big hard stuff off but now its just like the glue that is about even with the paint. smooth with no lumps.

Try like 2000 grit wetsand very carefully

isnt the explorer emblem snapped in, if i remember right my parts rig is missing it and there is 2 holes where it was, also i removed all of the emblems on my intrepid, they were glued on, i used a plastic drywall knife, a heat gun, rubbing alchohol and a bunch of rubbing, it comes off but leaves your paint looking dull, pull out the wax and it'll look fine.

The holes are nothing more than alignment holes. The emblems are stuck on.

id rather have an emblem then holes in my truck JMO

yah i covered the holes with the new badge the car domain link in my sig has pics i dont know how to post pics on here if you look you can see it, its not excessive its just flat glue that will probly come off eventualy. and thanks for the help will keep this updated. but check the link so you can see what im talking about.
