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How to: New Forscan Update Allows Module Programming

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I've been testing the Global Open function and it looks right now like a no go.

Programmed the BCM and added a wire to pin 25 on C2280C on the BCM (just like a Ford Taurus) and then added a wire to pin 33 on connector C3138 (door connector).

Tried it and got nothing.

Voltage at the door is 11 volts and voltage at BCM is like 2.9 both tested disconnected. BCM is supposed to pulse the wire to ground and it never changes when holding down unlock. Even made sure accessory delay was inactive.

If I knew what the pulse was suppose to be I could simulate it and at least see if the motors are capable.


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Does anyone have the Bambi mod bcm code for the 2016+. I had to reset my as built data and can't find the code now.


Try this:

BCM 726-27-01 0001 0000 01xx ** Use this if your truck has stock LEDs **
BCM 726-27-01 0100 0000 01xx ** Use this if your truck has stock halogens **

The second one worked in my 2017 Sport.

Apologies. I ended up purchasing the 13 limited instead of the 14 XLT, so I'll change that in my profile. I'm

not sure of the exact reader I am using. I know its WIFI. Will the list of modules show up in different addresses (not sure if the terminology is correct) depending on which reader I use? I was successful in disabling the double beep. I had to search and search, but finally found someone with a 13 who said they changed 726-16(or 18)-01 and it worked for them. I did that And it worked. There are some modules listed for enabling/disabling which my list doesn't even show. For example someplace in the 726-41-01 and 726-42-01 range. IF that is true, then I will purchase the correct adapter asap do make the mods I want.

Apologies. I ended up purchasing the 13 limited instead of the 14 XLT, so I'll change that in my profile. I'm

not sure of the exact reader I am using. I know its WIFI. Will the list of modules show up in different addresses (not sure if the terminology is correct) depending on which reader I use? I was successful in disabling the double beep. I had to search and search, but finally found someone with a 13 who said they changed 726-16(or 18)-01 and it worked for them. I did that And it worked. There are some modules listed for enabling/disabling which my list doesn't even show. For example someplace in the 726-41-01 and 726-42-01 range. IF that is true, then I will purchase the correct adapter asap do make the mods I want.

I heard the OBD MX Wifi is terrible with FORscan for some reason. Have you run into connectivity issues?

The problem I had with the OBD MX wifi was that it wouldn't make the connection with my laptop with any consistency and when it did, it would take almost an hour to do so. My first purchase was a Foseal wifi which cost under 20 bucks and it works everytime. I bought the OBD MX for the 'mscan' application only to find out it doesn't register even though it advertises as doing both fs and ms can. I sent it back and got back my 80 bucks. :)

The problem I had with the OBD MX wifi was that it wouldn't make the connection with my laptop with any consistency and when it did, it would take almost an hour to do so. My first purchase was a Foseal wifi which cost under 20 bucks and it works everytime. I bought the OBD MX for the 'mscan' application only to find out it doesn't register even though it advertises as doing both fs and ms can. I sent it back and got back my 80 bucks. :)

If you still have the Foseal wifi unit just add a DPDT switch to it. Sure you have to toggle the switch when going form HS to MS CAN, but it's not that big of a deal. MX seems to be faster at reading but if it doesn't work then what good is that.

"I imagine the top speed for that old mower was five miles per hour. It might have taken an hour and a half or more for me to get to the liquor store, but get there I did." -George Jones

The problem I had with the OBD MX wifi was that it wouldn't make the connection with my laptop with any consistency and when it did, it would take almost an hour to do so. My first purchase was a Foseal wifi which cost under 20 bucks and it works everytime. I bought the OBD MX for the 'mscan' application only to find out it doesn't register even though it advertises as doing both fs and ms can. I sent it back and got back my 80 bucks. :)

The wifi is known to not work well. The OBD MX Bluetooth works perfectly fine and has worked wonders for me.

The wifi is known to not work well. The OBD MX Bluetooth works perfectly fine and has worked wonders for me.

Yeah the only reason to use the Wifi is if you wanted it to work with an iOS Apple device since Apple limits which bluetooth profiles can be used (pretty much only allows headsets, speakers, cars, and keyboards).

Forgive this question if it has been answered. I'm super tight for time today and only my mobile tontry to find the answer.

I have a 13 and want to get forscan and elm327. I'd like to order the elm today as I need to check a/c codes as well as a CEL came on today.

To scan deeper then obd,will I still need to mod the elm with the double pole switch or has this been updated? Where is the best place to purchase a good version of the elm to use with my laptop and iPhone?

Thx for the help.

Forgive this question if it has been answered. I'm super tight for time today and only my mobile tontry to find the answer.

I have a 13 and want to get forscan and elm327. I'd like to order the elm today as I need to check a/c codes as well as a CEL came on today.

To scan deeper then obd,will I still need to mod the elm with the double pole switch or has this been updated? Where is the best place to purchase a good version of the elm to use with my laptop and iPhone?

Thx for the help.
If you want to use it on an iPhone you have to get a wifi version. Bluetooth won't work on an iPhone due to apples restrictions.

If you want to use it on an iPhone you have to get a wifi version. Bluetooth won't work on an iPhone due to apples restrictions.

I see. Wife has android and I have a laptop I can use. I don't recall if it has BT though. For making changes I would think the laptop interface would be easier?

I see. Wife has android and I have a laptop I can use. I don't recall if it has BT though. For making changes I would think the laptop interface would be easier?

Right now only the PC software allows programming.

Thank you. Wifi is probably the safer version. Scanning through amazon there seems to be a lot of different brands.
Actually people have better luck with the Bluetooth ones from what I've heard.

I use the bafx Bluetooth module with a dpdt switch. Haven't had a problem.

Actually people have better luck with the Bluetooth ones from what I've heard.

I use the bafx Bluetooth module with a dpdt switch. Haven't had a problem.
It looks like a safer bet then the knock offs on amazon ect. So I'm clear, to read my a/c module I will need the dpdt mod correct? That also covers writing code?

Thanks again for your help

If you want it to work, do not get the OBD MX Wifi and do not get an ELM27 bluetooth. Get either the OBD MX Bluetooth or the ELM327 WIRED. The ELM327 bluetooths are all knockoffs and don't work well, and the OBD MX Wifi sucks. If your laptop did not come with bluetooth, then get an ELM327 wired.

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