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New rollover posse member announcement

Yes it is true. Someone down here has gone and done the deed. Everyone is fine, but the metal sure isn't:roll::roll:
it was an awesome end for end--so I give it a full 10 out of 10 on the scale

If you are planning on coming to the bbq tomorrow you will find out the details, until then, we are under the sheets on this one.

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I hope this Venn Diagram makes things more clear.


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I get it now.

I hope this Venn Diagram makes things more clear.

WOW that makes total sense now, i'm going to go buy a civic right now, err no not really.

$3400 is just my budget for the vehicle itself. If I get another v8 all of my parts will swap right over putting me back into the mid 15's. If I decide to go with a v6 I could sell my v8 go fast parts for a nice little chunk of money and get a good start on modding the v6. Another explorer or mountaineer is in my future unless I find a killer deal on something else. If my goal was to build a fast car cheap I wouldn't have bought the mountaineer. I like having something different not just the normal fast mustang or camaro. The same could be said about you. You could have built a tube buggy a lot easier than what your doing with your explorer. But you like your explorer, and like the challenge so your building it instead.

LOL I gotcha.
Just trying to nudge you towards the trail-side!

LOL I gotcha.
Just trying to nudge you towards the trail-side!

I knew that too. I hate small scratches and dents that I get from my coworkers. I don't think I would do well driving through forests etc. It's all fun, we enjoy this here together. :salute:

LOL I gotcha.
Just trying to nudge you towards the trail-side!

lol, depending on what I can find I might go find a cheap first gen to buy first while I look for the 2nd gen I want. And then build it up a bit later. it would be nice to have a 2nd vehicle so one could be down for a while so I could go into it a little more in depth.

We have nice 2000 4wd OHV 4.0 sport cheap $800 in 4sale section, u can use as dailey driver, then turn into offroader when u ready to work on something else. That way you dont need to rush, it has been rolled also but only needs w/s, corner light and alignment to be legal, weve beeen driving it on road for a while now has only 98,x.., miles
--best advise buy something cheap for DD, then have other nice vehicles for whatever you want to do with them.

Keep it Ford/Mercury/Lincoln though... don't be going down the japanese route... it's not fun...


Eric, that seems like a decent deal. I look forward to seeing what you decide upon.
Posted via Mobile Device

Keep it Ford/Mercury/Lincoln though... don't be going down the japanese route... it's not fun...


ever rode in a 330 hp / 300 tq impreza on a dirt rally track going down on the side of a mountain? :D It felt like my stomach was making friends with my lungs and that was before it was my turn to drive.. left a huge grin on my face that lasted the whole day and some..

The check is being overnighted to me so the hunt starts tomorrow.

Good Luck bro!! If you are able to snag a 2nd vehicle then do it! It really can be convienant if you re work your weekly budget some:thumbsup: Because someday when the time comes I might consider a stroker motor for mine again or maybe a slight lift. But for now my money is mostly going into the stang as far as performance. I can't wait to hear back how the search goes. If you go Explorer make sure it's in Gold!:D

I have an '86 Mustang SVO I'll sell you for $1,500. :cool:

Figured I'd throw that out there.

Or go with a Sport with the 4.0 SOHC and see if you can score a used supercharger for it--remember now, that the '05+ Mustangs have been using the 4.0 SOHC and the market jumped on that.

If it were me, I'd get a 1st gen Sport with a 5-speed for DD and eventual trail use while you find a suitable Mounty replacement.

Good luck!

Is that the new one or are you just teasing?

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