New starter put on yesterday, and after started, it was stuck on and melted wires to solenoid on firewall and wire on starter itself? Any ideas? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New starter put on yesterday, and after started, it was stuck on and melted wires to solenoid on firewall and wire on starter itself? Any ideas?


New Member
July 9, 2022
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Springfield Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Ford explorer XLT
Why would brand new starter stick on until we unhooked the battery, but then start just fine, drive a mile and a half to O'Reillys, then go to leave O'Reillys and as soon as we go to start it, smoke boils out from under the hood, due to wire on the starter and solenoid wire on the firewall melting. Any ideas?

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yes a short in the starter solenoid
New or reman?

Who installed it?

The starter gets a large wire directly from the + of the battery
Much caution is taken to ensure this does not come in contact with ground
The starter in a 96 should also have a ground feed that goes to one of the mounting bolts
Then there is a small signal, wire from the ignition

If the starter solenoid is bad, the starter itself was bad, or the wiring was not installed could burn down your truck

yes a short in the starter solenoid
New or reman?

Who installed it?

The starter gets a large wire directly from the + of the battery
Much caution is taken to ensure this does not come in contact with ground
The starter in a 96 should also have a ground feed that goes to one of the mounting bolts
Then there is a small signal, wire from the ignition

If the starter solenoid is bad, the starter itself was bad, or the wiring was not installed could burn down your truck
Had a similar issue. Installed a Denso gear reduction starter (Tuff Stuff). worked normal, until red-top battery "appeared dead". Attempted jump resulted in smoke from btw engine and driver front wheel well. Disconnected & charged battery; good. I have continuity btw + and - batt lines (disconnected from batt) Tracing lines, bypassed alternator, still issue. removed melted +lead to starter to bypass, still issue. can't find source of incorrect pos to gnd/vica versa.
Any ideas?
78 TA 6.6 4-speed

Had a similar issue. Installed a Denso gear reduction starter (Tuff Stuff). worked normal, until red-top battery "appeared dead". Attempted jump resulted in smoke from btw engine and driver front wheel well. Disconnected & charged battery; good. I have continuity btw + and - batt lines (disconnected from batt) Tracing lines, bypassed alternator, still issue. removed melted +lead to starter to bypass, still issue. can't find source of incorrect pos to gnd/vica versa.
Any ideas?
78 TA 6.6 4-speed
Are you asking about a Gen2 Explorer or are you asking about a 78 TA?

Are you asking about a Gen2 Explorer or are you asking about a 78 TA?
He'll get more help here than from a TA forum I'm sure.
