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New tires?

Im not saying Generals are bad but why go cheap on tires? "where the rubber meets the road" Is and always will be a good place to spend a little. That is like saying I saved money by getting cheap brakes. Tires are kind of important and I feel like spending a little extra on brakes and tires is a must regardless.

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Im not saying Generals are bad but why go cheap on tires? "where the rubber meets the road" Is and always will be a good place to spend a little. That is like saying I saved money by getting cheap brakes. Tires are kind of important and I feel like spending a little extra on brakes and tires is a must regardless.

Because there's no reason to spend more when Generals are quality tires for less money. Spending more money doesn't guarantee anything. And the Grabber AT2s have very positive reviews. My brother is on his second set with no problems. I'm comfortable with having them on my car, but if spending more on tires makes you feel safer, then go right ahead. ;)

Good point. I just feel like my BFG's have better snow traction and better side wall protection than the General could ever have. Done some crazy things with my BFG's so I have become a little biased I would say.

Everyone has a great reason for buying the size, brand, and model tires. I'll give my reason. I live in the city... Phx, AZ to be exact and I decided to upgrade to 265/60/18 for driving on the highway and went with Yokohama Geolander H/T-S, Besides the fact they provide great wear, they are not noisy, and they have the outer water ducts in case it rains twice a year here. Keep in mind this is my wife's primary vehicle in which she transports my son to and from school in to include the bun in the oven. I am impressed with these tires. If anyone wants to read up on them... here is the link to their site let me know if anyone wants to see some pics of these tires on the Explorer..

is the spedo off any mph, because of the different tire size?

I have an '07 Spot Trac not a regular Explorer, but had the same decision to make when replacing the tires. I went with the Nitto Terra Grapplers in 255/55/18. It has been a great tire for me both on road and off road (deep snow, clay, mud, steep conditions, etc...). The speedometer is off 1 mph at 65 if I remember correctly. It is pretty insignificant. For an All-Terrain, the tires are quiet on the highway. They handle well on ice, snow, and wet and dry surfaces. I have had them on my truck for about 20,000 miles, and over all, I have been very pleased with them.

I am on my 2nd set of Toyo Open Country HT tires and they are fantastic. Low noise, high mileage(50,000+). I was a Toyo tire dealer and put them on my 07 @ on my way back from the dealership. I don't sell tires anymore but I would go with Toyo on all my vehicles. Less expensive than Michelin and Quality to match.

I have 27,000 miles on my 08 limited an the tires are just about shot!!! Dosen't seem like enough mileage to me. Anyway don't think I will be going with stock replacements. What are the popular replacement tires for the stock michelin 235 65 18. Thanks. 27,000 miles......just not enough. Lol

Goodyear Fortera - I bought these from OEM goodyears lasted 33,000 miles and were shot. I exchanged IM's with a guy online at asking for the hardest tire available for cruising, not off road and found the Fortera for $114 / tire. I am quite please. .

I just got a set of BFG Rugged Terrain tires... great looking tire to make the Ex look more serious. Should be a huge improvement in the winter compared to the awful Good Year Integrity tires the truck came with when I bought it used.

*** EDIT ***
The Rugged Terrains were cool, but way too noisy on the highway so I swapped them out.

I replaced the Forteras that came from the factory at 30K after they wore out...was really disapointed that they wore out so soon. I replaced them with BFG Long Trails, which gave me 65K on my 2000 Explorer. I've put 20K on them so far and they have worn very little....looks to be less than half worn. Should get 55K-60K on them by my estimates.

I'm going to go with the Dunlop SP Sport Signature in 255/55R18 for my new to me 2006 Mountaineer Premier. Tire Rack has them for $138.00. My last pair of Dunlops lasted almost 100,000 (really!) on my 98 Mountaineer.

You ran 255/55's on your stock. Curious did you have any rubbing issues when you turn?

If the Mounty is anything like my '06 Explorer, the 255/55 didn't rub at all.. I now have 265/60, and they only rub when I force the wheels from lock to lock.

I have 265 60 18 on my 06, and did not rub it once yet.

I have 27,000 miles on my 08 limited an the tires are just about shot!!! Dosen't seem like enough mileage to me. Anyway don't think I will be going with stock replacements. What are the popular replacement tires for the stock michelin 235 65 18. Thanks. 27,000 miles......just not enough. Lol

Curious, how often were you rotating them?

I'm lucky if i get 27,000 miles on a set. The way I drive and the twisty roads, 4 wheeling and potholes around here kill tread so fast.

If you go for an A/T i've heard great things about the hankooks.

I just changed out the ****ty michellin tires on my 06', put on 255/55 toyos. Nice tires, fill out the wheel wells nicely. Handles way better too.

I went with 235/65/18 michelin latitude tour hp. installed,tax,road hazard warranty, $970.00 and $70.00 rebate visa card.

I went with 235/65/18 michelin latitude tour hp. installed,tax,road hazard warranty, $970.00 and $70.00 rebate visa card.

So how do you like them?

I went with 235/65/18 michelin latitude tour hp. installed,tax,road hazard warranty, $970.00 and $70.00 rebate visa card.

Whoa, those are spendy. I hope they are good.

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I also bought bfg's long trail for my 03 explorer 245/65/17 on the same day. installed,tax,road hazard warranty, $674.00. it is a toss up if I like the bfg's or the michelin's . Let me drive them around for a few days I'll post back.
