New vehicle defect dispute | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New vehicle defect dispute


April 20, 2017
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2017 Explorer Limited
If I need to reach out to someone at Ford over a new vehicle defect (the dealer tells me the claim to Ford was rejected), what is the best avenue to proceed? My steering wheel had a scratch on it when I took delivery (I have photographic evidence thankfully), but now my dealer is telling me their claim with Ford was rejected and I need to wait for another vehicle to arrive on their lot so they can swap the steering wheel. Unfortunately they cannot give me an adequate timeline, so I’m stuck with a brand new Explorer with a nicked up steering wheel in the meantime. I want to contact Ford and make a complaint, but I’m unsure which route is the best.

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The the claim to Ford was denied because the dealer didn’t report it upon receiving the vehicle, so it’s on the dealership to replace it. They’ll probably place a claim on a new arrival and get Ford to pay for it that way. Or they swapped out your original steering wheel for the one on your vehicle now and it keeps getting passed on until an owner just accepts it. Just be patient and you’ll have a brand new steering wheel that’s newer than your current one or pressure the dealership to pay up.

The the claim to Ford was denied because the dealer didn’t report it upon receiving the vehicle, so it’s on the dealership to replace it. They’ll probably place a claim on a new arrival and get Ford to pay for it that way. Or they swapped out your original steering wheel for the one on your vehicle now and it keeps getting passed on until an owner just accepts it. Just be patient and you’ll have a brand new steering wheel that’s newer than your current one or pressure the dealership to pay up.

Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. I guess I’ll try with Ford first then initiate a claim through the Automotive Arbitration Plan.

How many days have you had it? I believe you have 1 week (or 5 days) to report it (it is in your manual) for cosmetic issues like that to be covered.

How many days have you had it? I believe you have 1 week (or 5 days) to report it (it is in your manual) for cosmetic issues like that to be covered.

I’ve had the vehicle for almost two months now, but all of the defects were recorded as I went through the vehicle on the day of delivery. I have both dated photographs as well as the emails containing them that I sent to the dealer, all from the time of delivery. The dealer assured me at the time that everything would be fixed and “not to worry”. Two months later my steering wheel is still unfixed and now I’m am starting to worry...

I’ve had the vehicle for almost two months now, but all of the defects were recorded as I went through the vehicle on the day of delivery. I have both dated photographs as well as the emails containing them that I sent to the dealer, all from the time of delivery. The dealer assured me at the time that everything would be fixed and “not to worry”. Two months later my steering wheel is still unfixed and now I’m am starting to worry...

So this is where the issue lies.. the dealer. Ford requires the dealer to report any issues within the timeframe I stated (again, don't remember if it is 5 days or 7). If they don't, it is strictly on the dealer and that is why they are playing games now (it is on their dime). So they are going to continue to be shady and as stated above, wait for another one to come in to swap it and bill it to Ford so they don't have to pay what they are now responsible for.

You need to talk to the regional Ford rep. Or, you could just be a problem. Go to the dealer and talk to everyone that shows up about your experience, and their refusal to fix it. I've used this method with many things with great success.

You need to talk to the regional Ford rep. Or, you could just be a problem. Go to the dealer and talk to everyone that shows up about your experience, and their refusal to fix it. I've used this method with many things with great success.

Is that someone I would find on their website?

Really, you are worried about something that minuscule that you didn't report before you drove off the lot? If I was Ford I'd reject it, too.


Call and tell them you are having an issue with your local dealer and need to be put in contact with the regional manager.

My dad had an issue with piston slap in one of the original Subaru. The dealer kept initiating this was normal. He kept going back and complaining. He happened to be there when the district manager was there for a visit. He had a new motor in three days. Their job is to keep the Ford brand in good standing. The dealers profit is not their concern.

Really, you are worried about something that minuscule that you didn't report before you drove off the lot? If I was Ford I'd reject it, too.

That scratch, along with other defects, was reviewed with the sales team before I left the dealership; that’s when I was told all issues would be fixed. I spent $60,000 on that truck, you’d better believe I’m worried about the scratch.

Really, you are worried about something that minuscule that you didn't report before you drove off the lot? If I was Ford I'd reject it, too.

That scratch, along with other defects, was reviewed with the sales team before I left the dealership; that’s when I was told all issues would be fixed. I spent $60,000 on that truck, you’d better believe I’m worried about the scratch.


Call and tell them you are having an issue with your local dealer and need to be put in contact with the regional manager.

My dad had an issue with piston slap in one of the original Subaru. The dealer kept initiating this was normal. He kept going back and complaining. He happened to be there when the district manager was there for a visit. He had a new motor in three days. Their job is to keep the Ford brand in good standing. The dealers profit is not their concern.

Thank you, I appreciate the constructive comments. I’ll give that number a try and see where I get with this.

Be persistent. Try to be nice, if that doesn't work, be a problem. If you go to the dealership and talk to prospective buyers you could potentially cost them a 60,000 sale. That'll get their attention.

That scratch, along with other defects, was reviewed with the sales team before I left the dealership; that’s when I was told all issues would be fixed. I spent $60,000 on that truck, you’d better believe I’m worried about the scratch.
Is it only the scratch? I also see split rubber.
BTW, this is what the Warranty Guide shows;
If you see any damage when you receive your
vehicle, notify your dealership within one week.

If you did that, then as mentioned, the responsibility now rests with the dealer.

