Newport Breakers Yard | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Newport Breakers Yard


May 18, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer North Face
Is the breakers yard in Newport that does Explorers still going ? Does anyone have any contact details, I've tried google but found nothing.

Thanks all
Mark Davies

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It is There are a couple of numbers on the website plus email details.

Justin can be difficult to get hold of sometimes but is very helpful when you get him.

He recently did the timing chains on my explorer. Very pleased with the result.


Thanks for the reply !

Just to update everyone, Justin has finished at Newport and is now working for MotoZone in Caerleon near Newport. I`ve spoken to him recently. It seems his expertise are being put to good use for his employer who now has a new clientele of Explorer owners. They claim to carry out the same work for a similar cost except that they charge VAT.
The only pity is that there`s no specialist Explorer breaker in my locality any more so I`ll be scouring the forums from now on !!!

Perhaps anyone who knows of UK Explorer breakers can post details, it would be handy to have a directory, I hardly see any Explorers on the road nowadays.

No adding to the list of breakers but just to say my green 2000 North Face is back on the road and being driven around Bristol, Somerset and along the M4/M5 corridors...
She cost £800 to get through the MOT but that did get 4 new (decent) tyres, whole new exhaust, repaired windscreen and rear discs, pads and Unseizing of the handbrake cables...
Just need to sort the driver side wheel bearing and I'm done...

Have fun all and keep the UK Explorers alive!

I'll keep a look out for it as I'm in Bristol quite regularly ! I need a front section exhaust for the MOT (not until spring) I may look at getting one from the US if they are that expensive !
My handbrake is mostly for show.

In the UK the exhaust comes as one complete unit. On ebay you can get one (from the part reference it`s a Timax) for £109.
Frustrating when in the US it`s available as two parts which makes fitting much easier.
Rockauto show several two section versions but the EU spec is still one piece on their site.
If anyone knows if it`s possible to get the two part version in the UK for a sesible price it would be appreciated .

I`ve got two Explorers, both same model though one registered in 1997 and the other registered 1998. They`re identical otherwise. The 97 is on 186 k miles and the 98 is on a mere 70 k. The 97 one is getting a bit tatty but still runs fine but with the scarcity of reliable breakers in my neck of the woods , ( South Wales , no Justin any more ) I`m seriously considering taking it off the road and using it for spares. Ideally I need a grey velour drivers seat or a complete leather interior. Anyone breaking one near to me ?

Well the explorer past its MoT finally.. Needed 4 tyres and the back section of the exhaust.. So I know it come in two pieces! But it needed, surprise surprise, rear disks, pads and unseizing of the handbrake... So £800 later it passed!

Now to the front right wheel hub/bearing!

Hey Pete, if you break one can I buy the two front wheel hub/bearings...?

An update for you !! I`ve just spoken to Justin Woodham in Newport and he has allowed me to post a contact telephone number for him.
01633 860606 (UK dialling code obviously)
He`s told me that he`s still carrying out the all same work to Explorers as before.
Hope this is of help to everyone, I know he`s helped me out in the past and he`s very knowledgeable about everything Explorer !!

Chris Quelch breaks explorers and posts on here.
he's your man for bits...
cracking bloke too....

chrisquelch is his log in.

hey guys, I'm in Canada, but, I'm from the UK, I can ship most parts as needed if you get stuck!


Sorry to bring up an old thread again,but does anyone know if Justin is still reachable on the number in the thread as my engine has started rattling today and I need it sorted, but don't want to be ripped off by some chancer, and Justin has a superb reputation on here, thanks, jim
