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No Boundaries Experience


Somewhat Functional
Moderator Emeritus
January 11, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
McVeytown, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'18 XLT
I'm posting this for ExplorerEB96, as her pc is down with a virus :(.

Karol got to go to the No Boundaries Experience at Philadelphia Park Racetrack on July 29th, and got to drive Ford's line of 2002 SUV's in some off road conditions. She had a great time, and here are her opinions on the various models. She also made the staffer who rode with her nervous. They apparently aren't used to having someone with off road experience drive the vehicles :)

Explorer-It performed well, but was kind of boring to drive.

Expedition-Had a very nice ride, was pretty good off road, but a little big for 4 wheeling.

Sport Track-This was the best off road vehicle of the four she drove.

Escape-Surprisingly quick with good acceleration. Performed ok off road.

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so how was the excursion offroad? i bet that diesel would handle well. that truck would probably tear it apart offroad. i bet those escapes are pretty quick. i think they have a good size engine in em

Karol didn't get to drive the Excursion, but she said it looked like it was having problems offroading 'cause of it's length. It has a really poor breakover angle due to the long wheelbase. It would be pretty easy to hang it up on the bumps.

I was out hiking with my wife & dog this weekend and we ran into a retired couple (!) 4 wheeling in a diesel Excursion! I was pretty surprised, because the trail isn't very wide and because of its huge length. They seemed to be having fun, but I wouldn't want to try and turn that baby around. Maybe they backed all the way down. Anyhow, at least one person had the same thought as Jas84.

I saw all of them at the Silver Lake sand dunes last weekend... The Excursion did quite well as long as it was in 4wd. In 2wd, on the soft stuff, it sank like a rock! Ditto for the F-350 SuperDuty. We were attempting this one hill in 2wd, and it got stuck. The skinny tires up front didn't help IMHO! But in 4wd, it almost idled up! :) I can certainly see how the oversize vehicles would have trouble on a tight trail, though.


Thanks for posting this Jeff

I didn't even want to drive the Excursion and I had to be talked into driving the Expedition... I thought they were a great truck ....but I would rather tow with it than go fourwheeling in it.... it just wouldn't be too much fun trying to get over the hills.... yeah...they were powerful.. yeah they made it...but well....just like in the new hardly felt a bump...I like trucks that jostle the kidneys.... hehe.... it just had that "way too expensive to wheel " feel about them... I really enjoyed myself and got to talk to a couple of engineers... It was something interesting to do on a Sunday afternoon with the kids..... I got alot of freebies too.... Tshirts for me and the kids...the kids got an Explorer Sweatshirt for trying out all of the "events" (the rockclimb, kyacking etc) and we each got an event hat for participating in the survey... If you see the "No Boundries Experience " coming to a town near you I'd say go if you have nothing planned....

