No heat until moving! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No heat until moving!


New Member
December 12, 2011
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I have a 2003 Ford Explorer. It's equipped with a remote starter. The problem: I start the car remotely. The heat control and heater speed are set to full. Even after the engine temp is up to normal the heater blows cold air. Heat only shows up after the car is driven some distance.

Anyone k ow what the problem is?

Jake T

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X2 on the low coolant idea

I had the same thing happen to our 07' Ford Edge recently, but the coolant level was fine. In fact, newer vehicles have the 5 year 100,000 mile stuff, and almost exactly a year ago (and with 52,000 miles) the coolant was flushed from Ford due to a TSB corrosion preventitive maintenance item. Within the last week, the heat just cut off, and the panels were blowing cold air as if the AC were on. I took it in to a independent shop, and they said that inside my radiator hoses was calcium build-up and other junk that was preventing the vehicle from properly warming up. They did a complete flush, drove the vehicle, and slowing down the cabin "cooled" to 90 some degrees when the temp. should be in the 120's with the heat on (the technician had a thermometer with him). I was then told that the thermostat was most likely the cause, so they replaced that. What a difference since heat is now pouring out. The last option could be the water pump since I was told that if the thermostat didn't work, the water pump would be the next thing to replace. Hope this helps.
