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No more str8 pipe (i welded my mufflers back on)


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Lynnwood, Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT
I have pix coming, the wife has the camera at work. But heres the dillio:

i had my pipes turned out of the side, just before the rear tire passenger side, the thing was, they mufflers hung down too low, like 2 inches atleast from the frame. That was all good when i had plans for a street x, but to go four wheelin, i damn near took them off. Just before my club run to reiter pit, i decided to just cut them off, do to a time crunch. I was straight piped for a few weeks now, and my neighbors hated it. So today i didnt have to go to work (i took the week off, :) ) i went down and for 60 bucks the guy flipped the exhaust, it fits now that i have a 3 in bl, and put turn downs on. Man its great to get that clean flowmaster sound back, but i do miss the looks on ppls faces, even on the highway, when i floored it. anyways, pics will be on around 11 tonight i promise.

And for anyone lookin for exhaust i strongly recommend a dual flowmaster 40 series muffler, with an "h" pipe just b4 the mufflers. I previously had a dual in dual out 50 series, and i missed that for a while, but now that i have the mufflers where i want them, id never go back to the 50 series.

Later guys,


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screw the pictures i wanna hear a sound clip :D

haha...that sounds way better than mine lol. I just may do that. did you feel like you gained any power back after that?

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