Noise coming from front driver side | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Noise coming from front driver side


New Member
February 4, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
01 explorer sport trac
OK, i've read some of the other forums on this but haven't seen a for sure answer. My driver side front is making noises. It feels like something is hitting the truck under my floor board. It also makes somewhat of a grinding noise. I have a 3'' body lift and didnt know if that might have made any problems. I have a broken sway bar on the passenger side and bad shocks up front. I'm replacing both shocks and sway bar. It does ease up on the noise when i turn left as the sound is coming from the driver side. Could it be bearings, hub, cv joint? I've seen people write on here that they've changed all three and still makes the noise.

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it makes the noise driving straight and when i turn right. I'm going to buy the part today so i hope that fixes the problem. Thanks

Sounds like the bearing. Lift the truck up grab the tire at the top and bottom and try to move it. If there is play while pushing and pulling at the top and bottom then its the bearing.

Sounds like the bearing. Lift the truck up grab the tire at the top and bottom and try to move it. If there is play while pushing and pulling at the top and bottom then its the bearing.

That may work if your hubs are completely destroyed, but that is not how I check it IMO. Mine were shot and had zero play in them.

I guess your right, mine were completely destroyed, so there was a lot of play.
