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Not what I was expecting...


Explorer Addict
February 6, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Kitchener, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
'07 Jeep Sahara Unlimited
So today I was going to do the BWM on my truck. I jacked it up to access the t-case to try and trace that brown wire to somewhere inside the cab. Thats when I discovered this:

I think I may have figured out why my Auto 4x4 has been going crazy lately.
BTW, that is the driver's side rear wheel. So maybe I don't need the BWM as badly as I thought. :(

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So today I was going to do the BWM on my truck. I jacked it up to access the t-case to try and trace that brown wire to somewhere inside the cab. Thats when I discovered this:

I think I may have figured out why my Auto 4x4 has been going crazy lately.
BTW, that is the driver's side rear wheel. So maybe I don't need the BWM as badly as I thought. :(

hm thats pretty odd. i bet your hubs are going out or something.

Wheel bearing. Already ordered a new one. Just a pain in the butt that I wasn't expecting.

is it just side to side movement or top to bottom too? you might just have a bad toe link in the rear hopefully

ok well i am just glad you got it all figured out

Its all over the place. I looked in behind the wheel as I was moving it. All movement is centered around the hub. Pretty sure its the bearing. I hope so cuz that's only $80 to replace.

my neighbors toe link ball joint went bad and that thing was flopping front to back like nothing i have ever seen. i just picked up a new ball-joint, installed it, street aligned it then had them take it to a garage to get a truw alignment. pretty easy and if i remember right the ball joint was only like 18 bucks.

it sounds like yours is your wheel bearing. i hope everything goes smooth with the install keep us posted

i hope it all works out for you. my neighbors toe link ball joint went bad and that thing was flopping front to back like nothing i have ever seen. i just picked up a new ball-joint, installed it, street aligned it then had them take it to a garage to get a truw alignment. pretty easy and if i remember right the ball joint was only like 18 bucks

Good to know. I'll keep that in mind if the bearing doesn't fix it up. Although wouldn't the toe link be on the front wheel? This is my first foray into IRS so I don't know what all is back there.

Was that lifted or on the ground?

Was that lifted or on the ground?

I had the rear end jacked up. I was trying to trace the brown wire from the t-case when I discovered the wheel slop. I guess all the movement from that wheel would probably throw off the auto 4 wheel system causing it to engage more than necessary.

Its all over the place. I looked in behind the wheel as I was moving it. All movement is centered around the hub. Pretty sure its the bearing. I hope so cuz that's only $80 to replace.

Doesnt it have to be pressed on? Should cost more than 80

weve had one that was worse than that come into the dealership......same side

Holy cow!!! I need to get mine jacked up and checked out because I've got a little side to side play on the highway sometimes:( Let us know how it works out.

Doesnt it have to be pressed on? Should cost more than 80

A friend works at Ford so the part was at employee cost. Labor is free in a buddies garage. I got lucky.

Holy cow!!! I need to get mine jacked up and checked out because I've got a little side to side play on the highway sometimes:( Let us know how it works out.

Get it up and check it out. I noticed that my truck felt like it was 'swaying' on the highway. I'd bet this is why. Let us know what you find.

Eh, you should still do the BWM, it's more fun in the snow and dirt, lol.

I did one rear wheel bearing on mine and then less than a month later the other side went. You might want to just go ahead and do both rears at the same time or at least check the other side.

I did one rear wheel bearing on mine and then less than a month later the other side went. You might want to just go ahead and do both rears at the same time or at least check the other side.

While I had the jack out I checked all 4 corners. The other 3 seem ok....I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed.

there are 2 toe links at the rear of the irs you will see one side bolts to the center by the diff and the other end has a ball-joint. they use that to adjust your alignment.

there are 2 toe links at the rear of the irs you will see one side bolts to the center by the diff and the other end has a ball-joint. they use that to adjust your alignment.

Thats good to know, thanks. But looking at my wiggle issue, this is most definately the hub/bearing area that is causing my issue. Parts arrive Saturday so that will be the real defining moment.

How are things across the pond? I've been following your thread a bit, pretty impressive plans! I'd love to bolt a KB 2.1L onto my EB.

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its not bad over here but my truck got blown up by a ied. i got a nice scar on my forehead and a mild concussion but thats about the most exciting thing that happened haha. i just can't wait to get out of this hell hole and enjoy the wonderful life we have state side.

as for the KB might not make it on the mountaineer. i kinda want to go with a remote mount turbo setup. johnny lightning in pa is taking care of my tuning and if i go with a turbo setup then he will hook me up with the labor
