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OBD II cables


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June 24, 2006
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I am looking to use my laptop as a scan tool, I have found some software but need to get the cable. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I have a 1998 X and would prefer USB but I could get a USB-Serial adaptor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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You will have to get some type of adapter. We don't have the factor Ford Laptop stuff at work yet...so I don'tknow exactly what you need to make it work!


Does the Explorer connection have a special name? Presumably any cable with that same connection would work then.

Someone out there must have done this or at least know how to. I have found several websites I can get cables from but I don't know which specific one is for the Explorer.

Are you talking about what cables will connect to the OBD-II connector? It's a 16-pin connector - just your standard OBD-II connector!


ps - is your full name Andrew Palmer? If so - that's mine as well! Care to share your middle name?

OK, sounds good. I'll probably try that.

ahh well atleast we have the same first and last name! :thumbsup:

