od light flashing (4x4 stuck) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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od light flashing (4x4 stuck)


New Member
February 14, 2003
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City, State
Lexington, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 xlt
95 X xlt control trac 4x4:I was driving in the snow in 4x4 auto when the 4 auto and 4 lo light started flashing 3 times every half minute or so. I tried switching it to 2wd in neutral at a dead stop i couldnt hear or feal it click over to 2wd but the light went out (still in 4x4?) Then the od light started flashing. When i got stopped in a parking lot i backed up a good 50 ft then stopped and backed up again. I think it took it out of 4 auto, as there was a jolt when i started backing afrter i stopped. It is in 2wd now for sure because i spun the tires and the back ones only spun. i disconected the batt b/c the od light was still flashing. Any suggestions, tips, etc. would be nice thanks.

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You will need to have the codes read to find out exactally what the problem is. Sounds like your T-Case shift motor might be going out.

Been There, Done That!!!

I had this problem the first winter I owned my ex. You may just be getting some moisture or water inside your transfer case shift motor.
Get under there, take off the cover of you t-case shift motor, if I remember it's a metal plate maybe 4" square. Check for moisture and dry it out, use a hair dryer or heat gun if you can. Once it's dry, use some silicon sealant on the cover and cover it back up. Should be fine after that.

I think we're a bit confused.

You have two totally different problems. The 4x4 lights are flashing because there is a problem detected with the 4x4 system and the O/D light is flashing because of a problem with the transmission.

For the 4x4- No reversal is required to take it in or out of 4x4. Also, the transfer case shift motor is not even used in 4x4 auto mode. For that reason it's extremely unlikely that there is anything wrong with the shift motor at all. It sounds like a problem with one of the transfer case speed sensors. Ford can communicate with the GEM via a diagnostic machine and tell you exactly what's wrong with it.

For the tranny- You should have the codes read for it as well. Depending on what the code is, it could spell disaster for your tranny.

UPDATE: after hooking my batt. back up the od light had quit flashing everything worked fine shifted smoothly through all gears. I then tried my luck with 4 auto it worked fine for about two minutes when the 4x4 lights started flashing again?

Several members including myself have managed to delay a transmission rebuild by resetting the computer.

But for your transfercase problem, you're going to need to get a dealership to read the codes. Most likely a speed sensor.

So, does this mean my tranny is going to need a rebuild sometime. I cant afford that being an unemployed college student. how can i extend the life of my tranny significantlly. nothing stupid like dont do doughnuts please

When was the last time you had the fluid/filter changed? Flushed? Regular maintenance, That's the best way to extend the life.

i just got the truck i dunno i didnt get ne records on maintnence but it was my grannys and she babied it all highway miles she rarel used 4x4 when i got it with 91k on it noone had EVER sat in the back seat 3k later the tranny and 4x4 start toying with me go figure

Probably because granny didn't change the fluid. Driving it "easy" is no excuse for not doing regular maintenance. Fluid changes every 15K miles aren't a bad idea with these trannies.

i have the same problem you have every once in a while with the shift motor. it actually gets stuck and won't shift out of or into 4wd. what i do then is put it in park and cut the car off. let it sit for 10 or so seconds, cut it back on. then i put it in neutral and try to shift the t-case. might take a couple tries, but good ole electric shift motors are tempremental in my opinion even new.
