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ok here is the new access hole for the fuel pump


Well-Known Member
August 14, 2009
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2014 Explorer Limited 4X4
ok I decide after work today I would cut the hole for the fuel pump access and it was easy I had to remove the front passenger seat and only one of the passenger rear seat pulled the carpet up and started cutting I used a plate that was 12"x10" and made the hole a little smaller that that about a inch smaller all of the way around. I attached the plate with the 4 screws and large bead of silicon and thats it, I did pull the fuel pump out and I was very surprise it was clean, and the strainer looked pretty clean to, I know when I changed the filter it and cut it open and it was caked with brown slime so that`s what drove me to cut the hole so I could check the cleanliness of the tank:D

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I would silicone the heck out of that so there would be no chance of water or moister getting into the cab and soak the carpet

i did, you can see the silicon in the picture, i layed a big fat bead down, then screwed it down, then ran my finger around the outside to completely seal it no water getting in.:D

u crazyyy lol but good job :thumbsup:

yeah I been called that before :crazy:

Did you have to replace your fuel pump by chance? I just had the stealership do mine....wasn't too kind to my wallet. I was in a pinch with time, otherwise I would have done it myself....but the truck wasn't moving from the driveway, had 22 gallons on fuel in it, and an HOA neighborhood that doesn't look too kindly on vehicle repairs....so it got towed to the dealer :rolleyes:

No didn't I was worried about crap was in my tank if u do a search for fuel filter u will fine my old thread and when I cut open the filter it was caked with brown crap and slime looked like mudd that's what drove me to cut the access hole so now I have a easier way to access the fuel pump if it does go bad:)

That's a very good idea - a bunch of us over on www.fullsizebronco.com had done a similar "mod" to Broncos and there's quite a few Mustang Fox body (79-93) guys on multiple forums that have done the same w/ the rear trunk pan... I don't know why Ford does not just make a "hatch" door during the build process for many of their product line. It surely would be much easier having access to the fuel pump from "above", than having to drop the dang gas tanks...

Good deal - nice job too!!

I don't know why Ford does not just make a "hatch" door during the build process for many of their product line. It surely would be much easier having access to the fuel pump from "above", than having to drop the dang gas tanks...

Because Ford wants service department dollars. They got it from me a couple weeks ago when my fuel pump went, but only because I wasn't in a 'good place' to drop my tank and do the work myself (wife recovering from long hospital stay, 9 mo old baby in the house, moving, and HOA neighborhood)...lol...

Great job, info and pics. Did you coat the edges of the cut hole with something to prevent rust? This would be a perfect job for POR-15.

yeah I just used epoxy primer to coat the edges:D

Great job, info and pics. Did you coat the edges of the cut hole with something to prevent rust? This would be a perfect job for POR-15.

Actually, thinking more about the cut edges - here's an idea that everyone can use:

Go to the local auto parts store and purchase the door edge guard strips. You can find these in a multitude of colors/widths. You just want the normal thin black strips, which I think come in a package of (2) and the lengths are about 24" or so (and they are only about 1/4" wide or less)... This gives enough material to cut to the proper lengths for the (4) sides of the cutout. The internal crease of the door guard is filled w/ a silicone like material, which seals to the edges of metal. Once you cut your lengths, just press them onto the cut edges - done! Now there are no worries about rusting OR getting cut on them in the future. You can still silicone over top of them to secure the hatch down.

This link kind of gives an idea as to how the guard is applied and what it looks like (for those that do not know what I'm referring to above):

(just another idea)
Since this is also under the carpet - instead of using screws, to make the removal quicker, what about using studs w/ wing nuts?

IMO, those guard will not prevent water from making it's way through.

I've seen too many rusted out floor panels to take chances. On the other hand it's not like I'll be restoring an Explorer in 20 years either.....



Thanks a lot for the pics, you've inspired me to get cracking and get this done on my Ex.

The more cash that stays in my pocket and out of the stealership, the better!!!

no problem :D

Great job- not a crazy mod at all. a few minutes with a Dremel and/or a cutter and you've got access, and you're not messing with rusty tank straps if you live up north. Whenever I have to run a fuel pump service on any vehicle I own that doesn't have a door- one gets cut.

Well done- all vehicles should have that from the factory! :)

Great idea and nice job. Thanks for the pics

thats guys yeah I used my 3gs to take the pictures and they look a little crappy:D

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2fish you live right in coldwater?
