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OOM12 kit


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February 24, 2010
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Hi, does anyone know where I can get an OOM12 kit from in the uk? I've just replaced the rear tensioner and want to do the front, as a precaution. I have sent Justin a message on ebay twice now, as he supplied the last kit for my last explorer, but am not getting a response from him at all. I was going to hit the buy it now and have my chains and guides etc done, but like I said, no response to 2 messages.

Thanks in advance.

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Justin can be bit like that from time to time! I'm sure he is just busy.

The price of this kit has dramatically increased from arounD 40USD to now near 100USD! It's quite silly, but it is what it is. I was tempted to bring back a bunch of these kits, but I was shocked at the price and didn't know if people wanted this kit and would be willing to pay cost for one. Irony is that it is made in Italy, shipped to the USA only!!

Anyways, I'm most probably headed to the USA again this Summer, so if I go and people express interst then I can bring back suitcase full of these kits for people ;o)

Hi fingers,
Hope you don't think i'm hijacking your thread but I need the above kit too, and as I can't get hold of Justin either, I'm looking for someone to fit it...

Anyone got any info??


Tascaparts.com are doing the kit for
Part Number YL2Z9E473AA
MSRP $95.17
Core $0.00
Online Price $62.81

Not sure what the postage and import duty and VAT would come to

Maybe if you ask Chris nicely he will check how much at a dealer near him

I may have the restrictor pencil (tho i think i may have given that to someone already) so you could just order the tensioner and o rings. I'll check my garage

I got mine from here www.usallparts.com $70USD took 1 week to come from USA to Australia.;) :thumbsup:

Hi fingers,
Hope you don't think i'm hijacking your thread but I need the above kit too, and as I can't get hold of Justin either, I'm looking for someone to fit it...

Anyone got any info??


No worries mate. I can fit the kit, I own my own garage and specialise in 4x4's, but can't get my hands on a kit. I've fitted about 30 kits in my time, but just can't find a kit anymore. I always relied on Justin to supply them.

Then it looks like i'll be booking a trip down to Cambs then...

Just remind me, the 00m12 kits fixes the poor idle..?


More than likely, if it's a cold start issue, but it could be other things. Most common though, is fixed with the oom12 kit.

yeah, really rough until the engine's warm. Then on gas and petrol its as smooth as glass...

What do you charge to fit this elusive kit???


IF, you mange to get your hands on a kit, £60 will fit it.

got some rocking horse poo and some hens teeth... wanna swap???

Have I missed something here?

Surely any Ford dealer will sell these parts whether as a kit or seperately. As for fitting them, again any garage will do as it's a very simple job.

If Ford have stopped selling the parts then I apologise but still easy to order from abroad and still easy to get fitted.....


Have I missed something here?

Surely any Ford dealer will sell these parts whether as a kit or seperately. As for fitting them, again any garage will do as it's a very simple job.

If Ford have stopped selling the parts then I apologise but still easy to order from abroad and still easy to get fitted.....


Have to say mate I'm a newbie to ownership and just found Justin in Wales as the nearest supplier/fitter... Now it might not be possible to use him I'm looking around at other solutions that don't cost a grand+ !


Ford in the uk can get virtually nothing in the way of parts for the explorer! It's pretty disgraceful to be honest.

Ford in the uk can get virtually nothing in the way of parts for the explorer! It's pretty disgraceful to be honest.

I suppose we have to expect that considering the majority of us have 12-16 year old vehicles. However I think the main problem is dealers can't be bothered as most of them have never heard of an Ex let alone seen one.

I still think that marching in to the parts department with a list of part numbers should get a result as the amount of brain work required by them is almost zero!

Let me know if you need any numbers or probably most will show up in a search.


The problem is the UK part numbers are different from the general ford part numbers.
Luckily when i have ordered from my local dealer he has let me look at the epc pictures to get the correct part.
They may be able to search from the part number i listed above.

The part number above looks like a standard Ford WERS part number. Ford spares also use what they call a FINIS number which can be cross referenced to the WERS number.

Finis code in the UK is F4146343 ANY Ford dealership should be able to order the kit, last time i bought one was a couple of years ago and cost £60 plus VAT, dealership had it in next day.

hi guys still in florida i will go to the local ford dealer and see how much they want for the kit . i think its cheaper on line from a factor but may not arrive before i leave. will post when i have a price
cheers chris

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Just remind me, the 00m12 kits fixes the poor idle..?


The kit is primarily to address start up rattle by way of the updated tensioner with oil reservoir and the oilway restrictor pencil. The upper and lower o rings are in the kit as good practice to replace when the intake is removed.

If you already have the updated tensioner then you will just require the upper and (more probably) the lower o rings.
Bad timing for you as i had some spares that i sold to another member for £15 posted a few months ago
