Oom12?? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lee in Aylesbury does the work too. Very good too. His eBay Id is watsontv
Not sure what price he charges nowadays, but he fits a warranted complete engine for £1500.

Justin also has the ad on eBay, if you hit the buy it now, I'm fairly sure he'd be in touch.

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Justin also has the ad on eBay, if you hit the buy it now, I'm fairly sure he'd be in touch.

Fingers... Thanks for the Aylesbury link. I had thought about the ebay buy it now but didn't want to pay and then find I get no reply.

Is Justin still operating as I called both numbers on the website AND ebay listing to get no reply. Is it best to just Keep calling and eventually you'll hit gold?



He is still going, but has been hard to pin down for a while now. But someone keeps re adding his eBay listing. But if you hit the buy it now, you don't pay upfront anyway.

Again, cheer Fingers...Will look at that option as soon as i've sorted this interesting problem....

Ok, so i've had the "engine rattle" for a few days sounding like a nut and bolt in a washing machine.
As its my days off i've run it around (looking for the gold nectar of fuel - £1.51 per litre!!) and it's running smoothly after it's cold poor idle..
There are NO sounds like before even from the startup. It's running VERY quietly and during acceleration, still no rattling noises!
So under the truck i go and by banging the cat converter, I can re-create the noises. Very rattle-y indeed.. So is it feasible its a dead cat and NOT the dreaded death rattle??

Assuming it MIGHT be, where's the best place to get a replacement cat unit? Seems they go from £80 on ebay to £150 on specialist sites...

Thanks for the help everyone... This sure is a fun truck to own..!


Hi again

OK last question about all this.. Lee in aylesbury wants £250 for fitting an oom12 in about 2 hours. Justin in Wales wants £150 for fitting it in 1.5days...

Is there a reason for the price difference. Perhaps either Justin or Lee are here?



seriously you can fit this 00m12 kit yourself in 2hours cost about £62 to buy from this forum think chris still has some, and search a download the instructions, it not hard really and worth doing but not at £250 honestly there hourly rate must be massive to charge that. given that a business wont get charged the vat, the kit must be comming in at about £45-50 for them 2 hours work easy in a workshop (it took me 2 hours on my drive, dropping nuts and making do with tools from my garage) £100 per hour is main dealer rates.

Wow, thats expensive, the kit is £60 retail, but I've never found anywhere that stocks them to sell to traders, so trade price doesn't happen. At my garage, I would charge £50 to fit it. £250 is just a ridiculous price!

See I thought that. I can see Justin going for £150. He adds £20 to make it that price cos it's an lpg hence more bits to remove!

Right, I'm getting a kit from Chris and let's get it done!


you can get the instructions off howards post no 2 follow it step by step and you will be ok. it far better to start with the cheapest option and you will feel good afterwards when you have DIYed and saved some money, also you will ask yourself why put a plastic manifold on?? does any body know

ok, Still proud of myself... but had to bail out at the lower manifold part.

I got the upper manifold off and encountered a sea of LPG lines and electronic units attached to the rail that should be removed after the vacuum thingy...

So I know WHAT to do, just got a bit worried about the LPG lines as they were everywhere and very confusing.. shame really

Still, i've delved into the Ex's engine more now....

Decided instead to sort the brake pads at each end and then had a look at the handbrake. Good news in that the cable operates, but the unit behind the disc is totally rusted... looks like I need a couple of handbrake parts and shoes.. (only knackered on one side!)

Oh and I noticed an anti-roll bar link was detached so ordered another one!

And then found whilst my hand slipped off the wrench and I ended up punching the calliper.... I've fractured my knuckle and little finger!

Simon K

Congrats on having a go yourself, it's a very satisfying feeling when it all goes back together nice. I don't blame you for bailing on the LPG side of things, it's something I tend to leave alone too! Also, congrats on busting your knuckles and finger, again, a very satisfying feeling! :)

As for the rear brakes, a complete small parts kit can be found on eblag for £20 and is well worth doing, just to put your mind at test, even if the old parts aren't rusted!
