Open to Opinion:Stiffer, Longer Leafs and Soft ride Shackels?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Open to Opinion:Stiffer, Longer Leafs and Soft ride Shackels??


Elite Explorer
November 25, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Durango, Colorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer XLT 4x4
Suspension Questions. Leaf Springs and Shackels

Has anyone attempted the following? 95 XLT 4X4

I noticed I need stiffer leaf springs as I was moving this weekend and was bottoming out.

Here is what I dreamed up. Getting stiffer, longer leafs then adding a type of soft ride shackels. I saw them in a mag for full size trucks to have a softer ride.

They soften the ride to a point then when you put a load on them they compress and let the leaf spring bear the load. I figure this would add at least an inch of droop in the rear and keep the ride about the same comfort wise. Eliminate the bottoming out as the springs would be stiffer to handle more utility work.

They may add a bit of lift as they would be stiffer as well as the shackels would lift it a bit (until compressed/loaded more than usual capacity).

If this did lift the rearend does anyone make a lift specifically for the front? I don't think that I would do a TT for reasons of integrity.

What do ya'll think???
