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Opinions on this grill emblem


Explorer Addict
October 16, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Indianapolis, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 5.0
I've changed my grill emblem YET AGAIN! I don't know what's wrong with me.

This one is off of a 2000 Taurus. I think it gives off a more clean look. Any opinions on this?




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Hmmm.. it's whispering 'Chrysler Sebring' to me.

EDIT: But maybe once I got used to it. First impression would be no. I like the offset emblem better.

Yea Sections right waaay to much like the sebrings emblem. I say no also

It protrudes a bit too much. Other than that, I like it. A lot.

Edit: Scratch previous comment- It's perfect the way it is!

I like it as well

I just found one on ebay going for about $40, i might try that idea if you dont mind if i can find one at a junk yard

I think it looks real nice real different that most. Great job this is kinda stuff i like to see.

i like it....its something new

thats a keeper. ive been real picky before on what i like the blades on, and i must say i really like it on yours. leave it as is.

Ok I got more yays than nays this time. What do you guys think of a lower billet in the bumper and a custom billet insert in my airdam?

Where do you get the lower bumper grilles from i cant seem to find them.

deffinately throw one in the bumper.

ya, definitely a billet would look great in the bumper. not sure about the airdam though. 3 billets in a row?? i'm just not sure. it might look cleaner w/ just one in the bumper.

its ok but i thought of chrysler at first also i say no... but maybe it will grow on me.

Originally posted by Hartman
What do you guys think of a lower billet in the bumper and a custom billet insert in my airdam?

I say, definitely in the bumper. In the airdam might be an overkill. Why don't we find put- I'm sure somebody out there can photoshop one for you.

Bah you insult me, I can photoshop it myself and I've done it before. Still doesn't beat seeing it in real life though.

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Well, heck, let's see it and see what the verdict will be. :)

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