Other vehicles you considered before buying the 2011 X | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Other vehicles you considered before buying the 2011 X

Sold a 2002 Toyota Highlander to order the Explorer. Honestly, it was one of the best vehicles I've ever owned. We really wanted to go American this time, but, we looked at both:

Toyota Highlander - nice, excellent reliability, bigger than '02.
Toyota 4 Runner - interior seemed tight, excellent reliability, drove like a truck.
Toyota FJ - pretty cool, excellent reliability, poor visibility, drove even more like a truck.
Toyota Sequoia - a bit too large, excellent reliability, too expensive, fuel hog.
Nissan Armada - a bit too large, too expensive, fuel hog.
VW Toureg TDI - fast, turbo diesel, tight German feeling, way too expensive to buy and maintain.
Audi Q5 - neat, way too small.

We didn't even look at Chrysler or GM. Not a big fan of Jeep/Dodge/Chevy/GMC.

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Honda Pilot
Honda Ridgeline
Toyota Highlander
GMC Arcadia

I was hooked the moment I drove the Ex, seemed better in every way than any of the others.

i was looking at a 99 ford f150 extended cab, a 2001 nissan frontier v6 4x4 king cab. the explorer was in my price range and had most of the capabilities that i wanted.

I'm going to get yelled at but I bought my wife the 2011 GMC Acadia Denali. It's really beautiful. She doesn't like fords. I'm the ford person I love my mustang and my trac

It was between the Flex and the Explorer. I wouldn't buy dodge/chrysler and I won't support Government Motors (GM).

What he said, and would never consider Asian brands.

Spent a year looking

I spent a year looking...

During the past year (2010):

  • Drove and tested Honda Pilot - nice but no new tech like Ford. Dealer here has some issues.
  • Drove and tested 4Runner - sales people were jerks and were more insterested in going home than seeing me after work. Now they wish I was on their lot. Ride not as nice - not as quiet - I don't off road.
  • I have a 2004 GMC Yukon SLT - a very nice ride but no government motors here.
  • Looked at Ford 150 Rapture - but needed more room. Love the black trim and gun metal wheels!
  • Thought about a H3 - no dealer near by. Tallahassee is the closest (70 miles).
  • Looked at Volvo - many items in Volvo are in Explorer.
  • At one point was just ready to give up. There is nothing out there that is really new and fun to drive. Many of the cars are boxes, built cheap, and if you are going to spend the money you should be able to have it all. Where I am you need great a/c, good gas economy, and a good stereo.
  • The black leather, extra quiet ride, led night time running lights, lots of room, and other safety features are just peaches and cream!
At least one car company grew a brain!

Thanks Ford! Enjoying my ride - Everytime I drive it!!


Oh man, i love the Raptor!
I just don't know what to do with a pickup in suburban new york.
Another thing that's holding me off buying a pickup is the only 4wd settings they have is 2wd and 4lock. No auto or full time awd option.

2011 Honda Pilot
2011 Acura MDX
2011 Ford Edge

I traded my 2002 Ford Explorer for my 2011 Ford Explorer XLT best decision I made the wife loves the car and it had more room than my 02 and with the 3rd row win win going on 2 months with the car now and no issues except for the A-pillar buzzing when i hit over 65 mph gonna take it to the dealer to get them to fix that other wise I just turn up the radio louder so I wont hear all that buzzing:D
