Overdrive Alternator Pulley Installation: 4.0 SOHC | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Overdrive Alternator Pulley Installation: 4.0 SOHC

Electrolysis is usually a function of dissimilar metals in contact with an electrolyte such as saltwater. The most effective way to stem this corrosion is usually with a sacrificial anode such as a zinc coating. Some of the primers such as Rustolium can convert the rust to another form the rather effectively kills it. I can not say I have seen where magnets can stop rust. If it were true I think the Navy and Coast Guard would be all over it especially since they have the ability to create magnetic fields that will not disturb the earths magnetic field called degaussing sufficiently complex to automatically adjust for Lat Lon pitch and role of the ship. All steel boats and ships I have had contact with utilize zinc anodes. Is zinc a cure all, no but a lot of new cars and trucks use it in critical areas. The bottom line is, save your money for something other than magnets to solve this problem.

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Mate, What I understand these gadgets change the polarity of the item in which they're in contact with because if you have a pos and a neg you have attraction wheras if you have neg and neg you have repulse. I know the brits or in our lingo pomms did the delousing of their ships against german magnetic mines espcially early in the war. I believe it has something to do with changing of the Ions in the metal and realigning them. I could be wrong?

foxy said:
Mate, What I understand these gadgets change the polarity of the item in which they're in contact with because if you have a pos and a neg you have attraction wheras if you have neg and neg you have repulse. I know the brits or in our lingo pomms did the delousing of their ships against german magnetic mines espcially early in the war. I believe it has something to do with changing of the Ions in the metal and realigning them. I could be wrong?
mate you are wrong,unless your submerged in salt water you have no galvanic reaction.
extra grounding will get you nothing, zip, nada.


Mate, I know guys who reverse their cars into the sea to unload their boats and they swear by them . at kplus there must be something going for them , mate I saved my dollars no worries.I stay right away from sea water,I've seen too many 4x4's in and under water on our beaches.I reckon rust has become worse since the panels are designed to crumble easier I mean softer. getting back to the alternator I'm very happy how the 200 amper is going.the extrapower in charging is ex but I do need to carry a new belt in case of slip , mate your probably right ok!

You now have the extra charging power you wanted in your X that is great.

Papa said:
Electrolysis is usually a function of dissimilar metals in contact with an electrolyte such as saltwater...

Officially it is Galvanic corrosion, the Navy calls it "Dissimilar Metal Corrosion". It is caused under 3 specific conditions:
The metal joint must be wet with a conductive liquid
There must be metal to metal contact
The metals must have sufficiently different potentials

On my 3.0L Ranger I lost 3 bolts on the timing cover due to this. All 3 steel bolts were eaten from the middle and they joined the aluminum timing cover to the cast iron block through a coolant passage. Bingo! All 3 conditions met! It is accellerated by electrical current (bad grounds!).

foxy said:
...I know the brits or in our lingo pomms did the delousing of their ships against german magnetic mines espcially early in the war. I believe it has something to do with changing of the Ions in the metal and realigning them. I could be wrong?

Delousing is checking friendly ships/convoys for subs tailing them in through a swept area or a protected harbor (Anti-Submarine Nets were big at the time).

Degaussing is what a ship does to limit thier magnetic signature. Like degaussing a cassette tape removes all the music, degaussing a ship keeps the effects of the metal hull to a minimum, a big deal when in a magnetically triggered mine field! There are also shore based systems (degaussing ranges) that monitor the ships systems, but they are limited to testing the ships effectiveness, not actually degaussing it.

Al, I did finally get my under drive balancer on this past week. Did you by chance notice any difference in your two alternator pulleys(depth)?

I installed the alternator pulley also, and it was a good 1/8" outboard more than my aftermarket alternator(pulley). The belt is not lined up as well as before, it is close to the front edge of my idler pulley, and that squeaks a bit when cold. I just wonder how many different depth pulleys there are. I may pull mine off and grind a bit off of the back side.

FYI, my belt length ended up being 84.25", with a smaller than stock idler pulley. My belt is a Ford called for length, and it was too short. I found a slightly smaller upper idler pulley and it fit. So if I went back to my stock idler pulley the belt would need to be closer to 85" in length. Regards,

Also, there is an over drive alternator pulley available from Summit, I had ordered mine from Underdog before I discovered it.

Thanks Al, I bet that my aftermarket alternator had a slightly shorter than stock pulley.

The pulleys should work on any Explorer alternator.

But the alternators are not the same. There are two 4.0 engines, and the alternators are not interchangeable. Al and I have the SOHC, the power connection is on the top. The OHV has the power connection on the back of the alternator.
