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Overheating issues ........


Well-Known Member
November 16, 2001
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City, State
Dallas, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Explorer XLT
Ok now that the temps getting into the 90's I've been fighting a losing battle trying to keep the OHV from turning itself into a quivering mass of metal from overheating. I thought I'd ask the fountain of knowledge that is this board.

I've got 132,000 miles on my '95 OHV, and my dear Brother-In-Law (previous owner) never changed the coolant, I changed it shortly after I bought the car 18 mos ago at 102,000 miles. Since January I've had a problem of it getting hot on the road at highway speeds (55+ mph). Did a flush and fill, along with a new t-stat, no change. Did the water-pump, a little better since the old pump was worn out and cavitating pretty bad. New fan clutch since the OE clutch was dead (now sounds like a jet airplane taking off) still no change it'll idle all day long in slow traffic and in the driveway with the A/C on and never budge past the halfway point, but get it over 2500 rpm and hold it there and it'll eventually peg the gauge out.

I'm at my wits end on this problem. I pulled the spout connecter and ran it at a fixed timing, thinking the timing was advancing too much, no change. I've cleaned the fins on the radiator out, and nothing's changed.

I'm thinking either the radiator is in dire need of rodding out(doubtful since it'll cool at idle, and seems to have good flow all the way across it (no cold spots). or I've got a fuel mixture problem of it getting too lean.

please help me out, I'm getting rather annoyed with the X as I can't really go much farther than 20 miles at a time before I pull over and let it cool off.

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It may be time for a new Radiator.

I had similar problems with mine. I tried to get it gutted but it was Metal & Plastic so it couldn't be welded back together.

I Got a larger 4 core radiator made it was actually cheaper. Cheaper for here anyway. Hope it helps........

Did you properly "Burp" the system to get all the air out? Sounds like you have air pocket somewhere in the coolant system.

I've burped it, I've taken the upper radiator hose off and filled it up to allow air to escape. The overflow bottle is staying at the right levels instead of dropping like it did for a couple days after I did the flush.

I'm thinking it's time for a radiator since now it's running hot going 30mph in the 2 miles it takes to go to work with the A/C on and 95 degree air temperature.

Was going to pull the rad. today but it seems the roofers are coming today to replace our 20 year old hail damaged roof.

explorer overheating

I too live in TX.I've had two vehicles that has encounter overheating issues since I've lived here in the past 3 yrs. Today I was on the road for 1 hr.(50%hwy,50%city) and the 94 exp. started acting weird.At first I felt a strange vibration and my roomate was following behind me and told me that there was smoke coming out of my exhaust. I figured that the Exp. was starting to overheat since it was 100 deg. outside and I had the AC on max. I just changed the thermostat a few months ago so I'm not sure what else it could be. I'm thinking about changing the radiator.Does anyone else have any suggestions.

nhut, sounds like you have either the coolant temp sensor that tells the computer how hot the engine is, or the oxygen sensor which tells the computer how rich/lean the engine is running. Either one could be bad.

I finally broke down, took my radiator to a shop and they said it was 75% clogged. bought a new one for 200 at O'reillys and that took care of the problem. with the A/C on full blast and poking through the typical traffic my temp gauge never goes past the halfway point now.
