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Paint decision


Explorer Addict
April 6, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Miami, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 Sport Trac 4x4
So I'm thinking I'm going to have my truck painted this summer. I got a quote for $1200 to paint the whole thing flat black, or satin back. Anyway I like the idea of it all flat black but I also like the yellow and I was also thinking I might just repaint it the same color. The yellow really stands out and the truck says "look at me!". Someone told me that the flat black will get scratched up on the trails and show them more. I don't know, what are your guys opinions.


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Keep the Zinc Yellow (getting really hard to find and they were very few to begin with) and just paint the power dome of the hood Satin Black. Just my opinion.

he pup, i havent seen you on the threads for a while. you should ask rebel about how much scratches show up on black paint being that his trac is black, but if youre going flat, it might be a different story. i would think that the flat black would really expose scratches much more than something with a clearcoat finish.

Yep, any non-gloss (uncleared) paint shows scratches alot more. I have a custom paint job in the plans for next year. I'll let everyone know what it is when the time comes, I've done some designs in the past on other vehicles that people have copied or stolen before I painted it.

Keep the Zinc Yellow (getting really hard to find and they were very few to begin with) and just paint the power dome of the hood Satin Black. Just my opinion.

X 2 !! :thumbsup:

Make that 3 for the yellow. I'm usually not big on yellow but it looks good with the black and I thing a black powers dome on the hood would look that much sweeter. Definitely go with something with a clear coat to avoid minor scratches.

x4 on the yellow. been seein a yellow trac around my city for a while and it looks sick.

Please no flat black. Personally, if I were to spend hundreds or thousands on a paint job, I don't want people to think I did it with a spray can. That's exactly what flat black looks like to me. And the all black look is so overplayed IMO anyway.

I'm a big fan of the yellow, especially when on a truck like my buddy's ranger:

he pup, i havent seen you on the threads for a while. you should ask rebel about how much scratches show up on black paint being that his trac is black, but if youre going flat, it might be a different story. i would think that the flat black would really expose scratches much more than something with a clearcoat finish.

Yeah I havent been active because work had been killing me, hopefully I'll be adding a third guy to my team in a couple of months and that will be helpful. When I get off work lately the last thing I want to do is sit in front of my computer after sitting in front of one dealing with computer issues all day at work.

Thanks for the replies guys. Yeah, I'm gonna repaint it the same color then and paint the cladding flat black as well as the winch bumper I will be installing soon. I may the the black on the power dome though, that sounds like it would look cool.

Thanks for the replies guys. Yeah, I'm gonna repaint it the same color then and paint the cladding flat black as well as the winch bumper I will be installing soon. I may the the black on the power dome though, that sounds like it would look cool.

I am glad that you are sticking with the Stock color. I would almost give the left jewel to have a Stock Yellow ST.
