Paint Issues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Paint Issues


New Member
October 16, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Linton, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2022 Ford Explorer XLT
Has anybody else had any paint issues with the paint bubbling, on inside of the door, on the lower hem flange? Just noticed this happening on our 2022 XLT. It's only happening on the right front door. We took it to our Ford dealer; they are trying to get Ford to replace the door. We're concerned that maybe the other doors might start doing it. I know Ford had this problem on some of the older Explorers. But I don't think this should be happening on a vehicle that isn't even 2 years old yet.

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Welcome to the Forum Darel.:wave:
Can you tell if the bubbling is due to rust? I don't recall any other posts with a similar issue. If they replace te door, I hope that they can get a good colour match. Please keep us updated. Thanks.


Welcome to the Forum Darel.:wave:
Can you tell if the bubbling is due to rust? I don't recall any other posts with a similar issue. If they replace te door, I hope that they can get a good colour match. Please keep us updated. Thanks.

It sure looks like rust. The bubbling is just above the seam sealer. I had a couple of local body shops look at it, none of them want to try and repair it. I too, am concerned about matching the paint, even though the vehicle is black. I know most people don't look at the inside bottom of their doors but was wondering if other members here could look and see if they had any issues with this.

Hmm--well 200 views & I guess nobody else has had this problem. Or maybe they're afraid to look, ldk. Anyway, hopefully the replacement door will not have this issue.

Hmm--well 200 views & I guess nobody else has had this problem. Or maybe they're afraid to look, ldk. Anyway, hopefully the replacement door will not have this issue.
I haven’t heard of this issue from any other members

Well, Ford did replace the door. I was able to take it to a body shop of my choice. They did an excellent job on it. But I'm still not happy about having to replace the door on a fairly new vehicle.
