Painted Undercarriage (8.8" Axle & Springs) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Painted Undercarriage (8.8" Axle & Springs)

I wish I would of painted all the suspension and undercarriage parts before I installed the lift kit; but I was too excited to get the kit on and make sure those 34's were going to fit.

Well, now I finally got the time to do it, and well I wanted to show you all as well. I've seen a few post about "what to paint my underbody with" or something of that nature. Here's another write up by me: :p

What Is Exactly Needed:

I used a truck bed coating for the painting, but you can use anything such as just black spray paint, rustoleum, undercoating, POR15, or you can expensive and get it powdercoated :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
You will also need something to tape up such things as your differential cover (unless you are painting your steel cover) or shocks. I covered up my sway-bar links, shocks and diff cover. Everything got painted except those stated, and the dust shields on the rear brakes (you'll see).

What Parts Exactly:

- Dupli-Color Truck Bed Coating
- A Can Of Black Paint Or Similar
- Masking Tape
- Newspaper Or Similar

NOTE: I used ramps to drive the rear wheels on so I could get underneath the vehicle as well. I would also recommend a roll-a-round creeper so you can move easily.

Let Us Get Started:

You will basically just need to spray down and scrub dirt, dust, debris, whatever can be removed before painting off of the surface. I would recommend a powerwasher if accessable. I have one at work, but I just sprayed it off with the hose and took a few rags and brushes to get rid of most of the stuff. Some I didn't even bother about -- it doesn't have to be perfect -- remember, you are saving tons by doing it yourself and not getting it powdercoated. So do not look for a professional job once you are finished.

Ok, after everything is somewhat clean and dry, tape up everything you need to cover up. Having enough protection should NOT be a problem. For example, your differential cover, use tape for the edges so you know paint won't get through that, and then just cover the other exposed areas with a few sheets of newspaper. The edges are what you need to watch for because that is where most of your aim will be at and the more chance of a "spray-on" will be. The newspaper will probably just take overspray or just a light load of paint.

Before you start going spray happy, check everything again to make sure you didn't miss anything. Once you got it all good and ready to go -- start painting with the black spray paint or similar to get a type of base coat. Then, when you are happy with that and have let that dry a little, pick up the good stuff and paint over that.

Let dry and then take another look to see if you missed anything. If you missed something, no big deal - shake the can up and go finish it. This project is very easy and I think anyone with a steady hand could do this. Good luck.



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Looks really good man! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Nice post, good pics. Always enjoy a well illustrated and written thread like yours !

In the process of doing mine; I'm about halfway through. I'm doing EVERYTHING. Looks good man.

Looks really good. I do mine once a year, its a pain but as you know when your finished it looks good and well worth it.

Looks great. Since my dad hates to see rust or mud stained parts, he made me paint EVERYTHING when we were installing my lift. I now just have to touch up on stuff when it gets scraped, etc. Just now finished completely painting my 9". :thumbsup: Nice write-up by the way. Looks much better.

Glacier991 said:
Nice post, good pics. Always enjoy a well illustrated and written thread like yours !

Thanks Glacier. I'll trade you my writing skills for your transmission knowledge! Do we have a deal?

Thanks to everyone else for the comments.


Finally finsihed mine up last night. This really is rediculously easy. You don't need any skills at all to paint undercarriage. I just whip out the ol' wirebrush, rough it up, spray it off with the air compressor, and go at it.


Good job Drew, I'll check out that Duplicolor bedliner paint. I will be finishing my 99 chassis this week. My priority is to clean areas that I have to work on(body bolts),or mount my compressor to. I'll try gloss black engine paint first, after the Eastwood Rust Encapsulator.

Looks good J602. I kind of wish mine wasn't so glossy -- but they both look good. All of your stuff is completely black. A+!


Thanks, and A+ to you too! The glossy looks good on yours, but mine gets dirty so fast I just figured the flat was better for me.

j602 said:
Thanks, and A+ to you too! The glossy looks good on yours, but mine gets dirty so fast I just figured the flat was better for me.

I actually don't thinkmine is that "glossy" -- i had to use the flash on my camera because it was getting dark and the sun wasn't in my favor. But hey -- no matter if it's glossy or flat black..... it looks good!


it looks good and shinny for like a week. Then it gets a little dirty, but it will stay a nice shade of black for a good while

i painted my front beams and what not back in january... aslong as i spary it with the pressure washer every now and again it looks great. I did the rear this past month, it looks pretty good still.

too bad i went muddin this weekend

Yeah, it starts to looks dirty as soon as you go offroad, but just spray it down after and it'll still look good. Even if mine got completely dirty, it would still look better than being unpainted. Here's a picture for comparison.

Is that cover transparent or a print on top of the housing?

ExplorerDMB's is transparent. It's made of polycarbonate material.

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ExplorerDMB has a cleargearz transparent cover and j602 has a chrome cover off ebay.
