parts truck value? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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parts truck value?


Well-Known Member
December 15, 2010
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93 xlt
a buddy of mine had the head gasket go in his sploder and isnt going to get it fixed so the truck is up for grabbs. its totaly stock with a near mint interior no rust on doors or fenders and the tranny is in as good of shape as can be expected and it runs stock 410 gears. he wants 400 for the whole thing and doesnt want to part it out to avoid having a half pulled apart truck in his yard. i want the gears and the seats so i can take out my seats from a 99 cause i sit to high in the vehicle with them. does 400 seam like a reasonable price when all i want is gears/seats

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it is reasonable. I see them on CL for around $700 or so with either bad tranny or motor.

Shoot jump on it dude.... $400, and you're getting a whole truck that runs (would run well after head gasket fix).

So you would have a spare motor, axles, interior, trans, t-case, random body parts.... in parts alone is well more than $400.... A complete motor near me is at least $500, so you're already ahead.

the trucks still at buddys house so i could go get it anytime. but i think im going to wait it out a few more weeks untill its going to go to the wrecker then just snag some parts for free the day before it goes. the engine is worthless the head gasket went while he was using it and now it doesnt run.

replace the head gaskets. for less than $200 and maybe 10 hours of work depending on skills, you can have a good truck.

Mine was $300

i think i might go get it, it will just involve either a late night redneck tow or paying a tow truck to go get it for me.
since the head gasket went and now it wont start doesnt that mean the engines pretty much shot and would need a rebuild?
if its salvagable and would just need to have the headgasket replaced it would be cool to have a running stock explorer around.
but this leads me to another question. how hard is it to replace a head gasket? i have total confidence in my mechanical skills to work on any part of a vehicle but i have NEVER opened up a engine bigger then a 6.5hp mini bike engine so i dont want tear it all apart and not be able to put it back together again.

It's probable that it will run great with a new head gasket.

I'm not gonna lie, it's not easy. Bending over the fenders, tight spaces, awkward angles, frozen exhaust studs, etc. But if you are competent with your tools, have the right tools, have a manual, and some bear and tunes, it can be done. There are a couple threads on how to do it. but use your shop manual too. don't half ass it either. use a torque wrench, keep everything clean and take your time. If you get frustrated, walk away for a and hour or more. Label all hoses and connectors you remove and take lots of pics before and during disassembly.

Inspect everything before you put it back in. if it's out of spec, replace it.
If you have the time, polish your intake and exhaust ports while your there. An otherwise stock truck won't have much in gains with a port job, but later, you will have better gains from bolt ons.

You didn't mention the year but since the post is in the 91-94 section i'm assuming its the ohv engine. I would bet money its NOT the head gasket. It rarely is. Its the heads that crack and they are expensive. If any time has lapst then there might be some moisture in the motor causing corrosion that might have ruined it. Still, $400 for a truck is a great deal. If its an automatic a working A4LD trans is worth more than $400 on CL.. $150 for the 8.8 rear, at least $100 for the Dana 35 ttb, just put your old gears in it or sell your old drivetrain. If you part it out you will come out ahead.... The problem is parting out a vehicle is a P.I.T.A.

not sure of the year but its a gen1 for sure. its bin about 3 weeks since the truck last ran so if the heads cracked corrosion is a deffident possibility. im still really temped to go grab the truck but like you said parting out is a pita and thats why buddy is just going to scrap it rather then sell it unless i want it. i dont see 4.10's very often so i would really like to get them, but my yard already looks like a auto wrecker lol
